Coffee Pot #9 SEPTEMBER 2012 SIX years [April 1 is Anniv.] and going strong and its for all to chat. Plenty of coffee and sweet ice tea for all. Come and join us and chat. GRITS for the Yankees

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Posted by rtraincollector on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 8:11 AM

Lehigh Valley 2089

I may actually use Lionel's Legacy system. I know that you wouldn't be able to run postwar items on a pure Legacy layout, but I do know that Lionel offers an add-on to the system that will let me do this. Also, I have no desire in the world to get Williams items now that Bachmann owns the company. I haven't had a good experience with the company in N scale. I know O gauge is a different world, but I wouldn't expect anything different.

Yes Bachmann has it now but you also must understand all items I don't care who are made overseas now ( exception Lionel doing some freight cars here and weaver does some items here not sure if any are engines)

Now electric railroad (which now is owned by Lionel) has kits to convert engines over to tmcc ( which of coarse legacy will run no problem actually better I'm told ( don't have it yet) but also the TPC-300 and TPC-400 with tmcc or legacy command system already in place will run your conventional trains.

Back to the main part of my comment here I still find original Williams on ebay as just got a set not long ago But also have gotten new stuff and love it I presently got a scale GG-1 for around $170 and added tmcc and rail sounds for like another $145 so for just over $300 I have a command equipped scale GG-1 engine.

Now to me as a whole Bachmann in ho and n were after the low end budget Williams line still has the quality and for regular postwar type freight cars I love there boxcars for my and all and there a lot better made than comparable cars by MTH and Lionel as for durability 1 they have metal frames and die-cast trucks and wheels

Now don't get me wrong I love Lionel to me its the best but most of the time what I want that they have I need to either wait for it to show up on ebay or do without because of the cost I normally wait for it to show up on ebay.

But again as said over and over in here its what makes you happy not everybody is going to like the same thing.

By the way welcome to the forum and enjoy were all here learning and sharing our experiences with each other.

Morning all not a lot planned for today. Back to work tomorrow and work thru the weekend off monday. Time to get some breakfast talk to you all later

Life's hard, even harder if your stupid  John Wayne

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Posted by fifedog on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 8:27 AM

Mornin' boys.  A humid 81 already in the Mid-Atlantic region.  Leslie ain't a-coming. O's tied with Yankees this AM.Wow  Showwalter should be the AL MVP this year.

88 - She will mimic how you run the trains, so don't worry too much about regulating things.

Hudson - Continued Angel for Mom.

Stay ornery...especially you, blownout.Wink

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Posted by cnw1995 on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 8:27 AM

Aloha! Paradise Beat the rain into work. That's a great way to start the day. A storm blew through our area last night. Not a lot of rain but really cooled things off. Wonder if they'll be more of that today. Great ride on the TARDIS last night with SJ, Brutus, RT and Charlie. I'm an early joiner of Facebook and recommend it highly. It's fun to use to connect with friends.  

Doug Murphy 'We few, we happy few, we band of brothers...' Henry V.

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Posted by laz 57 on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 8:32 AM


   Very humid here and dew point at 75 feels like FLORIDA.  Got 5 mile walk in and 3 mile run done now gotta lift.  Later measure and cut roll roofing to apply maybe tomorrow if all is dry?  Later gotta do food shopping.

PROBE and JOEY D, nope I'm not on SPACEBOOK either.  Why?  Because I don't want anyone knowing everything that I do.  Lots o people are stupid in posting everything that they do pics, parties all that stuff.  And if you don't one of your friends?, will.  Plus lots of lives are ruined by a single post.  Social media?  Social destruction.  Why have we lost so many kids on cyber bullying because of this dump media.  Heck I still don't own a cell phone and probably never will.  Just my My 2 Cents.

LV 2089, big train show in ALLENTOWN.  Usually first or second weekend in November at the Allentown Fair grounds.  Very good show lots of stuff there.

Stay frostty,


  There's a race of men that don't fit in, A race that can't stay still; Robert Service. TCA 03-55991
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Posted by cheapclassics on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 8:59 AM

Good morning all,

It is muggy again in SE Indiana.  Lucas starts working at a local factory next Monday or Tuesday.  Probably not something that he can make a career out of, but it will put food on the table and a roof over his head.  For now that is enough.  School is still up in the air.  Got a hair cut last night.  "My" soccer girls got pounded 9-1 on an away game.  TBIL and I can drive.  I hope everyone has a good day.

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

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Posted by RockIsland52 on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 9:11 AM

Good Mornin' Y'all from Soggy Taxachusetts,

Today started out like yesterday, heavy rain.   And we expect more of the same into tonight.  More rain for the weekend, both days. 

Yesterday Grampy Jack was pressed into service watching the three year old granddaughter at the daughter and SIL's place for more than half the day.  She's like the energizer bunny and can get into things faster than you can blink.  I have no idea where she finds these things or where they go, so I got the bright idea to pile them up in a high place she could not reach.  The pile included one Ipod, one laptop, one Kindle, one DS game unit, two sets of car keys, three cordless phones, three remote controls, and enough chargers to start an electronics store.  I now know why young parents get stressed out.  They don't secure stuff from curious little hands, and then they spend all of their not-so-free time looking for stuff.  My granddaughter is like a labrador retriever, she just keeps bringing me stuff. Laugh      

Brent........enjoy the Christina escapades while you can.  They grow up way too fast. Now that she is mobile, you will soon find out that your once pristine walls and furniture will require massive amounts of weekly cleaning, from about 3 feet off the ground on down to the floors.  Buy knee pads. Smile, Wink & Grin

Lehigh......what to include when building your RR empire is so subjective.  We are blessed with a ton of choices and decisions, none of which are irreversible.  But things can get expensive pretty quickly.  There has been a lot of good advice here.  You can't read, view, and look too much.  Take your time, and be picky.Thumbs Up

Later, gang.



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Posted by sir james I on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 9:53 AM

It's 74 and very humid. Still hard to breath out there. A trip to Lowe's was our adventure this morning. I'm having real BLTs for breakfast right now. When you join FB you give up a lot of privacy but if you chose your friends wisely there should be no problems. Me I like it, a good way to keep in touch with family and friends...S.J.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 11:19 AM

laz 57
I'm not on SPACEBOOK either.  Why?  Because I don't want anyone knowing everything that I do.  Lots o people are stupid in posting everything that they do pics, parties all that stuff.  And if you don't one of your friends?, will.  Plus lots of lives are ruined by a single post.  Social media?  Social destruction.  Why have we lost so many kids on cyber bullying because of this dump media.  Heck I still don't own a cell phone and probably never will.  Just my My 2 Cents.

Somebody who thinks about Facebook the same way I do. I have an account there but it's absolutely bereft of any information. I only opened it to stay in contact with a friend during his final days. Now that that's past I don't go there anymore. The reason? I don't like people knowing everything about me, I don't like having to jump through hoops to see useless information and I absolutely detest having to earn coins, credits or whatever the heck they are to learn things I have no use for. And to top it off I have absolutely no use whatsoever for the place! I think that sums it up.

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 12:23 PM

Afternoon Fellas

Facebook - if you know how to use it properly then there is no reason not to have an account - unless you simply don't want one. It has its benefits.

Chief / Probe - HH Gregg? I've never bought anything from there and I was there twice in the same visit - first and last! I walked in and was inundated by sales people wanting to sell me anything under the roof - was like a Used Car lot for Electronics... left feeling like I needed a shower!

Christina update: Last night we sat down to watch Dispicable Me, and she watched near half the movie. TheQ had gone into the office to do her professorial work, which left me to attend to TheP. Well about half way through she needed to be changed so we got that done and I put her in her pajamas. Went back down to the FR to finish the movie and she started fussing, so I gave her a Lady Bug Tea Cookie (yes they are died a deep red color). So I'm sitting there watching the movie and she is eating her cookie while sitting on the floor. Next thing I know she is rubbing my knee. I look down and she has wiped her hand on my only pair of light colored khakis... she looks up and smiles, her face covered in red cookie dough. Simply PRICELESS. Honestly could care less if the cookie dough doesn't come out of the pants... I'll buy new ones! The memory is worth $40.00!

Fife - good to know!

DonB - I certainly hope not! She has this riding toy and she likes to sit on it backwards and scoot along!!! I would hate to see her drive!!!!! Smile

Has anyone heard from our friend from the low on two ends hi in the middle state?

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 12:28 PM

Jack - Almost forgot. Sister's dog is doing MUCH better since his classes.  He is still a bit skittish in large groups, but he actually let me play ball with him on Sunday (something he hasn't done in well over a year), and he took a treat from my hand (again something he hasn't done in well over a year). He doesn't view food as a reward, and detests the 'clicker' (he is afraid of it), so they are making small steps with him. The trainer is working with my sister at the same time - which is helping as well.

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Posted by SPMan on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 1:16 PM

Good morning all,

Facebook?  I choose not to join also for the reasons many have stated.  All of the people I know are welcome to call or E mail, however, but not many do.

We had a sprinkle of rain this morning.  Lasted about 5 minutes. Bought a new umbrella for the patio yesterday to replace the old one.  Hard to get it all the way up but son and I together horsed it.  Probably never get it down now.  It's one of those market type umbrellas with the wooden ribs.  Also got a new electric fan to replace the old one yesterday.  Works great and even has remote if you want to use it.  I use it in conjunction with a heat pump/air conditioner to direct cold air where I want it (on me).

Cloudy today but high of 92 predicted.














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Posted by KRM on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 1:52 PM

Good afternoon,

 I left early to go to town 4 miles away to fill the water jugs for the cooler and get a new stainless steel wire brush for the new grill. The old one had a wood handle and the bristles were falling out and I did not want to eat one. Well I got the water and went to the local hardware store but no stainless steel wire brush.  Bang Head Okay so I will drive to Seneca another 5 miles to Ace no stainless steel wire brush.  Bang Head

 Alright I  will drive to Morris to Menard's and see if they have one, another 12 miles. Tongue Tied Well they had a nice stainless steel wire brush in the paint dept that was better built and nicer than the ones in the grill area and 1/3 the price so I got it and headed home. Yes By the time I pay for the gas it will be one costy brush. Bang Head

So when I get home I decide to do the dreaded clean the coils on the fridge. I pulled off the bottom front cover and WOW what a mess under there. Ick! So I got the shop vac and the portable air tank, filled the tank with 120psi of air and placed the blow gun on the hose. I sucked out all I could get at then stuck the shop vac hose under there with the thing on and took the air hose and blow gun and blew the rest clean. It works good but there is now about an hours worth of cleaning to do around the fridge but now it is done. Yes

 I got my Lionel Rheostat from the Bay today for the accessory I want to slow down for $.99 + $2.49 shipping. I think it will do the trick. We will see.


And Facebook, Yeah about 4 years ago my son tells me that I have to get on Facebook if I want to know what is going on with him and the family. Ok so I did and about 6 months later he had one of his childish spats and blocked me from their site. END OF STORY AND FACEBOOK Super Angry  I have no need for people who I don't know looking into my life.

Laz, I do have a cell phone (requirement of work) and have since the early 90s when they were so big you could also use them as a club. Laugh

Hubson John, Angel for your mom and your family.

BOC, Pig out man. Smile



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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 2:29 PM

Good afternoon. It's 90° and feels like 101°. The high will be 98° and feel like 107°.

Got the part I need for the van. Also got a large bottle of brake fluid and the short steel line that goes between the brake hose and the brake line manifold on the frame. The connectors on the old one were messed up. It's been a long time since I bent a brake line to the shape it needs to be using just a small pipe bender but I managed it without incident. I actually got it very close to the original. I haven't done stuff like that for nearly forty years. Always used a powered bending tool. Put the old line in one side and the new line in the other side, press a button and presto.

Went by the nursing home this morning to take my mother some things she wanted. Nothing really special but it makes being there a little more bearable. Some cans of soup, some small bottles of Sprite Zero, some bananas and grapes. She was asleep then and i didn't want to wake her. I went to the parts store from there and found they didn't have my part yet. The truck bringing it had broken down. So I went back home and waited a while. Close to noon I called and they had it so I went to get it. That's listed above. I went back by the nursing home. There wasn't a wheelchair available so had to walk all the way down the hall to her room. My father says it's seventy-five feet. He needs to check his measurement! My sister house is seventy feet from end to end and that hall is MUCH longer than that, almost twice. She was awake this time so we talked a bit. She appreciated the effort I went to. She wishes they would heat her soup longer. She likes it hot, not lukewarm. From there I headed back home. And that's been my day.

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Posted by Lehigh Valley 2089 on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 4:05 PM

rrtraincollector, I am, strangely, not taken by surprise. But I guess when you by out a company, you get all of the tooling. Besides, as my dad says "If it isn't broken, don't fix it!". But I'm still a little hesitant to trying O gauge Bachmann. Also, I forgot to mention, I have a Williams by Bachmann Stockcar, but it has couplers that rise up and beyond my Lionel, K-Line and Postwar couplers. 

Laz 57, thank you for that information!

The Lehigh Valley Railroad, the Route of the Black Diamond Express, John Wilkes and Maple Leaf.

-Jake, modeling the Barclay, Towanda & Susquehanna.

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Posted by Buckeye Riveter on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 4:14 PM

This morning I had cataract surgery and

Smile, Wink & GrinI CAN SEE!!!Smile, Wink & Grin

Thank you Doug Murphy for your words of encourgement.  The worst part is that the Chief's photo has not improved.  Laugh

Celebrating 18 years on the CTT Forum. Smile, Wink & Grin

Buckeye Riveter......... OTTS Charter Member, a Roseyville Raider and a member of the CTT Forum since 2004..

Jelloway Creek, OH - ELV 1,100 - Home of the Baltimore, Ohio & Wabash RR

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Posted by rtraincollector on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 5:02 PM

Buckeye Riveter

This morning I had cataract surgery and

Smile, Wink & GrinI CAN SEE!!!Smile, Wink & Grin

Thank you Doug Murphy for your words of encourgement.  The worst part is that the Chief's photo has not improved.  Laugh

Well how well did they do figure I'd try this out for you to give them new eyes a real test

Life's hard, even harder if your stupid  John Wayne

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Posted by submmbob on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 5:20 PM

Hello all

Wet and cloudy on the mountain today.

Buckeye - glad to hear your cataract surgery went well. Not sure if one of our giant telescope mirrors could make the Chief look betterStick out tongue

Jeffrey - glad to hear your van is back in operation w/ good brakes. As one of my old manuals says, "the ability to whoah is even more important than the ability to go".

Bought a Lionel operating mail accessory. Think I will try and add the mail hook to the combine I am working on.

Enjoyed the article on the oil derrick in CTT while eating breakfast this morning.



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Posted by sir james I on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 6:08 PM

Well lets see, Ah it's 80 and overcast but never did rain. I got the grass cut but not trimmed. Had a short nap and a good supper. I'm ready for some banilla and the thingy crew...S.J.

WBB: I have never had a problem with their engines but do not own any of their rolling stock. Well there is this one set that I never opened the car boxes. They came with a pink GG1 set. The GG1 runs very well however.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 6:38 PM

My van is back on the road. The brakes work great. Went to town to get gas. $3.699 a gallon for regular. Prices is starting to get ridiculous.They passed stupid a long time ago but haven't yet gotten to ludicrous. Boy, how that reminds me of Spaceballs! 'Light speed? No, no, no! Light speed is too slow! We're gonna have to go straight to ludicrous speed!'. See it on Youtube.

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Posted by Blueberryhill RR on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 6:43 PM

Yep, Buckeye has confirmed it !!!!

Eating GRITS has made Chief ugly  !!!!!

Chuck # 3 I found my thrill on Blueberryhill !!
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Posted by 8ntruck on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 6:51 PM

I'm hooked up on a Virgin Wireless protable hot spot for this post.  It us a pay as you go sort of thing.  A little slow at times, but seems to be working well.

KRM - I've gotten the chassis together for the two motor 'B' unit and have run it a little on a test track.  With my Legacy unit down, I can't use my 180 watt brick power supply, so I'm trying to run one of the one motor 'A' units and the 2 motor 'B' unit on a CW80.  Not quite enough power - it will run that combination, but at reduced power with the green light blinking.  Looks like this is going to be a good combination.  All of the motors are two axle magnetraction motors.  I picked the 'B' unit up and the track came with it!

Brake fluid will probably take the paint off, but I am conserned about what it will leave behind.  If the oven cleaner does not work, I'll try drain cleaner next.  Failing that, I'll contact my friend who has a degree in chemical engineering and is messing with plastic model car kits for more ideas.

All for now.

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 6:52 PM

Laz and Jeff,

                       I felt the same way about FB for a long time.  To me, it all comes down to common sense.  Just like posting on a forum, it is important to think twice before posting.  People can't get important info if the user doesn't post it or leave any traces.

Plus, AM has giveaways, so I had to sign up.Smile, Wink & Grin


           LOL at needing a shower after an HH Gregg visit.Laugh  Personally, I can't stand a salesperson telling me what I want.  Leave me alone.  I know what I want/like, and I don't need someone to hold my hand as I walk through the store. 

I keep thinking of my cousin's twin boys that will be two in January when I read your posts about Christina.  Once they got mobile, the craziness got kicked up a notch.Wink  Between my three cousins and their families, all six kids are under five.  Christmas is interesting to say the least.


As for Williams by Bachman, I've noticed no difference in quality.Thumbs Up  I purchased the Luxury Lines Madison cars last November for my 783, and they are very nice.

Had another one of those red, white, and blue Ford Racing Performance Parts boxes on the porch when I got home.  Not sure why.Smile, Wink & Grin 

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Posted by ChiefEagles on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 6:54 PM

Evening.  Busy day.  Humid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Lots done.  Lucy, Finn, TV from living room and self are on the way to the lake house for a few.  New flat screen Box TV is great.  One in living room is outstanding.

Nothing but trash hanging out in Charlotte for a few days. Whistling

KEV, SHHHHHH!!!!  We are trying to keep that a secret.  That is why I come over so anti. Surprise

Blueberryhill RR

Yep, Buckeye has confirmed it !!!!

Eating GRITS has made Chief ugly  !!!!!

But better looking than anything above the M&D and especially Ohio. Laugh
Later gang.

 God bless TCA 05-58541   Benefactor Member of the NRA,  Member of the American Legion,   Retired Boss Hog of Roseyville Laugh,   KC&D QualifiedCowboy       


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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 7:06 PM

Blueberryhill RR

Yep, Buckeye has confirmed it !!!!

Eating GRITS has made Chief ugly  !!!!!

You haven't gotten a close look at me have you.

Chief ought to be looking pretty good about now!

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 7:17 PM

Gee, now why does the line...I'm not your type come to mind....mmmmmmm...must be the dang chemo after effects.....Confused

Good Evening

We actually got to 84F feeling like 96F today...under the dull non-rainy skies of London ON.. Supposed to get thunderboomers and such tonight but we'll see whether that happens here....

We are still paying around $1.28 a litre here for out to roughly $5/gallon...

Have a good evening!!

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Posted by KRM on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 7:33 PM


 Brake fluid should do nothing to the plastic.

 I have a old 202 shell that I painted as a kid with testors paint I think then, the shell is in good shape. If you want to try the brake fluid thingy PM me and I will send it to you for the test. No problem. I can send you a picture of it if you want.

Joined 1-21-2011    TCA 13-68614

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Posted by Lehigh Valley 2089 on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 8:11 PM


Prices is starting to get ridiculous.They passed stupid a long time ago but haven't yet gotten to ludicrous.

Prices here in Bradford County Pennsylvania have hit almost $3.909 a gallon, and our van has given us some major scares as of late. Thankfully, and knock on wood, they won't come back for a while. Sigh

Good thing we have a Rio (by Kia) now. Odd thing is, as soon as we got the Rio, the van (Astro) started to act up. 


Boy, how that reminds me of Spaceballs! 'Light speed? No, no, no! Light speed is too slow! We're gonna have to go straight to ludicrous speed!'.

Best movie by Mel Brooks, maybe except for Robin Hood Men in Tights. 

By the way, I'm hungry now. Chef

The Lehigh Valley Railroad, the Route of the Black Diamond Express, John Wilkes and Maple Leaf.

-Jake, modeling the Barclay, Towanda & Susquehanna.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 9:19 PM

Lehigh Valley 2089
Prices here in Bradford County Pennsylvania have hit almost $3.909 a gallon

Yeah, my younger sister has told me about the prices in her area. She lives on the edge of Little Buffalo State Park. Perry County if I'm not mistaken.



Time for me to call it a night. Got the part I needed for the van, the new caliper and brake line are on, pads on both sides have all been changed out, brake system was bled. Road test was great! Got a Bowser roadrailer kit in the mail today. Not sure what I'll do with it or even if I'd put it together. Went by the pharmacy today to get two meds they missed on my last visit. I took in a list of eight meds and they filled six. Still not sure how they managed that. They were happy enough to to get me the two they missed before. Well see y'all tomorrow.

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Posted by submmbob on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 9:46 PM

Hello all

Went for a walk down the access road to watch the sunset. Easy to forget where you are when you get wrapped up in projects.

I have a WBB NW2. I like it and it runs well and has good sounds. Only problem is it is a bit too big for my O-27 stuff so I will probably sell it off. May replace it w/ a Bang some day. I really like the stuff from RMT.

Back to work.



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Posted by Brutus on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 10:32 PM

John - continued prayers.

Buckeye - congrats on the eyeballs!  Charlene also had really good results from her surgeries.  Did they do both of your eyes at once?  They did hers one at a time.

Concrete is drying nicely in the basement where I filled in over the drainpipe.  Should be able to install the base this coming weekend and see how the rest of it goes together.  Who knows, it might be done this weekend?  My big headache now is all this rain made my grass pop up to about a foot tall, and now I can't mow because it is always wet!  It should be dry on the weekend, so I might be able to get it done then.

TARDIS is ready and we have banilla or chex mix, so let's go!

RIP Chewy - best dog I ever had.

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