Update on new Chicago to Twin Cities train

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Update on new Chicago to Twin Cities train
Posted by CMStPnP on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 12:02 PM


So I read from various sources and derived this status, no I am not going to link to them all.   Use Google yourself.

First, CPKC stated Amtrak can begin service without any line improvements between Milwaukee and St. Paul.    That means only one of the two RT trains that CPKC agreed would be OK to add with the line improvements.   The initial funds are to only add one RT train.

Second, WisDOT has started construction of the Milwaukee Airport expansion project.    They are putting in another platform for the other track and they will build a enclosed pedestrian walkway above the track with stairs and elevators similar to Sturtevant to the platform across the track.    WisDOT is doing this as an achievable in the near term fix to having the passenger trains cross over to a platform on one side of the tracks all the time (good idea in my view).    I saw the photos of the new platform grading and the artists rendering of the revised station but I am not sure if their funds are sufficient for the aerial walkway yet?   We'll see.

Third, the Muskego Yard project is postponed because with inflation the amount they asked for initially is not enough and they need to ask for a supplimental Fed until they get it this money this is on hold.

Fourth, the train was not implemented in 2023 because Amtrak is short on equipment that is contractually required.   Coaches and Cafe car.    So they are hoping that this situation will be alleviated sometime in 2024 as more cars are delivered.     The new train will carry a cafe car between Chicago and Milwaukee.   They are not sure if the new train can use an existing Chicago to Milwaukee Amtrak Hiawatha frequency or if it will have to terminate in Milwaukee given the past agreements with CPKC for adding more trains to Hiawatha Corridor.    That has to be worked out with CPKC.    Because the start the new train without improvements green light was more for Milwaukee to Twin Cities than Chicago to Milwaukee.   So I am guessing the Airport station improvements and the Lake Forest double crossover are minimum requirements.    The holding track that was to be in Glenview that the Nimby's torpedo'd there, is probably negligible for adding one more frequency but another solution needs to be found for adding more.    They were also planning on extending a siding at Roundout for the Fox Lake trains as well as double tracking the initial cutoff for the Fox Lake line but that to me seems like a more than one train add issue and the Twin Cities Train would not impact that much.

Track improvements in Minnesota are I believe funded but do not have to be done until after the train is running.

Project is unsure of the additional track at LaCrosse for the train stopping there.  When that has to get done.

CTC through Amtrak station which is a distance of about 2-3 miles.   I think they have funding for but not sure when they will prioritize that.

They are short on the short Quad Tracking of the Milwaukee mainline south of where the cutoff is for Muskego Yard ( I think it was about a mile or so) as well as the whole Muskego Yard mainline diversion project and until they get supplimental funding for it from the Feds.   No date is set for starting construction.    This will impact any new additional Chicago to Milwaukee Trains since it is the largest cost change along the route.   I thought it was around $50 million for this but going off memory.   Not sure the full cost after inflation.

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