Baton Rouge to New Orleans Amtrak service

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Baton Rouge to New Orleans Amtrak service
Posted by Overmod on Monday, October 30, 2023 6:02 AM

Looks as if this is 'on track' for as early as 2027, mostly on an ex-KCS routing.  (The official story is that this route 'has less freight interference' but I have to wonder if this was associated with STB discussions around the CPKC merger...)

As yet the service is 'unnamed' but I'd think 'Southern Belle' might be on the short list.

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Posted by CMStPnP on Tuesday, October 31, 2023 4:46 AM


Looks as if this is 'on track' for as early as 2027, mostly on an ex-KCS routing.  (The official story is that this route 'has less freight interference' but I have to wonder if this was associated with STB discussions around the CPKC merger...)

As yet the service is 'unnamed' but I'd think 'Southern Belle' might be on the short list.

This November the Feds should announce if Amtrak gets funds for Forth Worth-Dallas Meridian service.    Some articles still refer to it as Fort Worth to Atlanta service.    Also, interesting is I have since found out that CPKC promised 2 round's not just one roundtrip a day.    So some articles and TV spots are promising two trains a day on this route.

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Posted by blue streak 1 on Tuesday, November 7, 2023 8:59 PM

If eventually 2 round trips one should go DFW - Meridian - Myrtlewood - Montgomery - ATL.

That is once CSX and CPAK gets the route up to at least 40 MPH freight 60 Passenger.

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