I just want to make one correction to their poster or public claims. This project predates the whole FOXCONN deal and is set to take place regardless of what happens to FOXCONN, they only thought they could accelerate it if FOXCONN was to be built (so thats the whole confusion there). I am not sure what they mean about automatic railway switches being noisy. Do they mean noisy in operation or noisy with the train crossing over at I am confused on that claim.
The good news is they are running out of money, which means we should have a decision soon (Spring 2019?). Anyway here is the status as reported by the City of Glenview..........
January 15, 2019 -- Progress is being made on efforts by Glenview's national expert in rail congestion mitigation on a capacity analysis of the current rail system. Several alternatives were identified that could mitigate the added congestion from three additional Amtrak Hiawatha round trips. Since the September 7, 2018 statement by then-Governor Rauner and the Illinois Department of Transportation, IDOT has directed its rail consultant to collaborate with Glenview's consultants to review additional alternatives and run models to identify reasonable, feasible ways to eliminate the Holding Track. To date, $385,000 of the 2018 allocation of $400,000 in Glenview funds have been expended.
Therefore, the Village Board of Trustees amended consulting agreements approved in May 2018 to add an additional $105,000 for 2019 services:
Focus during the first quarter of 2019 will remain on the cooperative modeling of alternatives with IDOT, and on educating and gaining support from the new Illinois administration including Governor Pritzker and the new IDOT Secretary, when selected.
The next step in the process is for representatives from IDOT, Union Pacific Railroad and the Village along with their consultants to meet and coordinate additional modeling efforts regarding alternatives, which is scheduled January 25, 2019.
Link to protest website:
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