Amtrak 821 "Heartland Flyer" hits truck!!

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    July 2007
  • From: Oklahoma City, Ok
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Amtrak 821 "Heartland Flyer" hits truck!!
Posted by hf1001 on Thursday, August 30, 2007 5:56 PM

I was checking the status today for the Heartland Flyer. While I was talking to the agent, she said that today, Amtrak 821 The Heartland Flyer was delayed from getting to Fort Worth on time because they hit truck! I'm not sure when or where this happened but the Flyer was on route to from Oklahoma City, Ok. to Fort Worth, Tx. I hope nobody was hurt or even killed. If anyone is able to find out anymore, I would really appreciate knowing.

                   -Heartland Flyer 1001

Heartland Flyer 1001 ___________________________________

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