New Flatcar for the subway..........

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Posted by BaltACD on Monday, July 15, 2019 11:16 PM

The wheels on that car look a bit odd and I don't mean new. Is their something diferent about them? Is that standard gage?

wheels look like they have been painted silver or something similar.  If they had not been painted the steel would be a 'new rust' orange.

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Posted by tdmidget on Tuesday, July 16, 2019 2:33 PM

Sort of look as though they have tires shrunk on to them.

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Posted by Overmod on Wednesday, July 17, 2019 9:56 AM

What is supposed to be strange about those wheels?  They look exactly like normal rolled car wheels, in their natural finish (they might get surface orange-rusty comparatively quickly if left in a 'wet' environment) and tdmidget as a millwright will recognize this with a little reflection.  This is a typical design for a car wheel; the relatively thick rim can wear down substantially before hitting a condemnation limit, and possibly is intended for multiple wear (it can certainly be dressed for reprofiling a number of times if needed!)  There are no tires; while this car isn't intended for 'interchange' tires still wouldn't be legal for any OTS wheelset available commercially for this kind of purpose, and providing them on this kind of car (to say nothing of delivering them via any kind of rail interchange) would be very dubious 'economy' at best. 

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