ATL = Marta derails 2 cars.

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ATL = Marta derails 2 cars.
Posted by blue streak 1 on Friday, January 18, 2019 5:06 PM

Could not happened at a worse location.  Entrance to the ATL airport.  Had to get a crane into position to remove the 2 cars.  The ATL airport station had 10% of total rail boardings several years ago . Unknown if that is still the case.

 Happened late Tuesday and repairs still going on with a bus bridge from East Point and college Park stations. 

EDIT.  Here is a commercial tv report and video.  Noted that car 103 was one of the cars derailed.  It should have been married still to car 104.  First deliveries of the cars started with car 101-102, Then these cars 104-103. 

Another report 

  • Member since
    December 2007
  • From: Georgia USA SW of Atlanta
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Posted by blue streak 1 on Friday, January 18, 2019 5:39 PM

Appears last car split a switch pulling car ahead off tracks?

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