Subway Noise and the Haifa Carmelit

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Subway Noise and the Haifa Carmelit
Posted by daveklepper on Sunday, December 2, 2018 5:09 AM

While I interested in reducing the noise levels in the Carmelit, which has switched from rubber-tired vehicles, in a manner somewhat like the Monreal and Paris Metros (although the Carmelit is an underground funicular, without tra;iction motors on its two counterbalanced trains), I though I would look at the problem in a more general light.   What is your opinion of the dimensions proposed for a sample case as follows:

A is upper side-wall,  B, lower side-wall, C. In trackbed

B is in use in Toronto if memory is correct.  For clearance and other reasons, I've asked for C for the Carmelit.

Steve Sattler's photo:

The proposed sound-sbsorbing treatment locations:

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