Trains Magazine
Light rail ridership
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<p>In FY12 DART operated 85 miles of light rail and served 61 stations. The average weekday passenger trips was 48,136 persons - assumes that most of the passengers were round trippers - or an average of 566 persons per system mileage.</p> <p>When the system opened in 1996 it operated 11 miles of light rail - I rode the first public train on opening day, and carried an average of 2,692 persons per day or 244 persons per system mileeage. By 2005, when the system was roughly half built out, it operated 45 miles of light rail and carried an average of 33,615 persons per day or 747 persons per system mileage. </p> <p>From its beginning through 2012 DART's light rail system mileage has grown by 672 per cent. From the opening day until 2005 system mileage grew by approximately 309 per cent. The growth in persons per mileage, however, has not been so dramatic. From opening day until 2012 the growth in person miles was 132 per cent, which is less than the percentage increase in system mileage. From opening day until 2005, the growth in person miles was 206 per cent.</p> <p>Irrespective of the build out of the system, the average number of persons carried per system mileage by the light rail system actually declined from 2005 (747) to 2012 (566). As noted in several articles in the Dallas Morning News, as well as other sources, DART's light rail ridership has not increased significantly over the last couple of years. How to grow the ridership is a DART challenge.</p>
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