Northern Pacific EMD FT's that went to Mexico

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Northern Pacific EMD FT's that went to Mexico
Posted by Leo_Ames on Wednesday, September 11, 2013 8:20 PM

In 1992, NdeM restored EMD FT 2203 to operation. This was NP's A unit #6010-D (Later 5410-D). Was reported that the companion B unit that last carried 5406-C for the NP contributed some parts at that time which they acquired at the same time back in the mid 1960's when these two marked the first NP FT's disposed of ending the last intact fleet. .

Looking at a survivors list though just now of FT's, I don't see that B unit. I had assumed that she remained preserved but just wasn't operational due to giving up some parts to the A unit 20 years ago.

Was she unfortunately scrapped? 

Edit: Found a page that says NP 6006C/5406C which was the 2203B in Mexico is at Benjamin Hill as of 2009. So hopefully she's still around. 

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