BN SD70MAC Horns

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BN SD70MAC Horns
Posted by Evergreen24 on Tuesday, August 11, 2009 5:30 PM

When it came to the Burlington Northern purchasing their SD70MAC's, what horns did they use? I can't really tell since they're small. My guess is the Leslie S3K. Any opinions?

Unit Numbers: 9400-9499, 9504-9710, 9713-9716 and BNSF 9711-9712

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Posted by kingbee33 on Saturday, August 15, 2009 2:21 AM

  I would like to tell you what horns BN had on their SD70MACs but I don't know myself.  What I would do is go onto You Tube and search for some videos of ex BN SD70MACs and listen to their horns.  And if you don't know what type of horn the particular unit has just post a comment on the vid and someone usually will answer you.

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Posted by eolafan on Saturday, August 15, 2009 11:03 AM

I'm not sure but those horns on the SD70MAC units sure do sound nice when compared with other model units.  The new SD70ACe units also have awesome sounding horns.

Eolafan (a.k.a. Jim)
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Posted by samfp1943 on Wednesday, August 26, 2009 10:31 PM

Hi, Jim: 

  While I'm not a diesel air horn aficionado by choice; BUT due to where my home is located, near the double-tracked ( about MP 226.) BNSF Transcon; and that within about a mile and a half there are about six crossings. I am becoming a criticThumbs UpThumbs DownWow!!Yeah!!Oops

   I have become painfully aware that it is not the quality of their sound that matters, it's the technique of the engineer. In the middle of the night, it become more painfully aware that technique ( or the lack therof) is relatively apparentAngry.    Some engineers blow for each crossing, and it is downright melodeous; while other engineers make the same horn sound like the cat got stepped on in the dark Blindfold. And do not let two trains meet those same horns will sound like a Spike Jones Band symphony.Disapprove it goes on and on forever, like a horn orgasmShock.

I have yet to figure out how one man(woman) can make a velvety smooth sound come out, another makes the same horn sound as if it is being strangled, another sound like a klaxon horn from a WWII submarine movie, and the next one sounds like it is gargling water?? Go Figure!SoapBox




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Posted by edbenton on Thursday, August 27, 2009 1:38 PM

There are a few things that can be in that issue also.  One is the Horns are the bells clean you would be amazed how much crud can get packed into them quickly.  2 is the Diaphram that the air comes thru is it torn or old those can make them sound like a cat that is being murdered.  3 You have the valves themselves that the air comes thru dirty or clean makes a HUGE differance.  Last you have the Crew.  When I drove there was one time I had one horn on my truck that got so snow packed that man I blew it and it shot out a cone of packed snow that hit the guy ahead of me and left a dent in his trailer door.  Try having a valve stick open for 50 miles.  I was ready to break the plastic out of the headliner and pinch the line with Vice Grips.

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Posted by coborn35 on Monday, September 7, 2009 12:09 AM

 Yes S3K.

Mechanical Department  "No no that's fine shove that 20 pound set all around the yard... those shoes aren't hell and a half to change..."

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Posted by TPWRY on Monday, September 7, 2009 4:28 PM

no, they used K3LA's on the MAC's


 Yes S3K.

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Posted by coborn35 on Saturday, September 12, 2009 10:40 PM

Er wow thats what I mean.  K3LA

Mechanical Department  "No no that's fine shove that 20 pound set all around the yard... those shoes aren't hell and a half to change..."

The Missabe Road: Safety First


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