Las Vegas, NM roundhouse

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Las Vegas, NM roundhouse
Posted by davews on Tuesday, July 15, 2008 3:43 PM
Riding SW Chief #4 through Las Vegas the other day, I could have sworn I caught a glimpse of a roundhouse back in the brush on the west side of town.  If that's the case, I'm sure there must be a mention about it in a magazine article or a post that I missed.  Can anyone help me out here?
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Posted by mudchicken on Tuesday, July 15, 2008 4:00 PM

The 34 stall roundhouse at Las Vegas (ATSF Bldg 50, circa 1902-1916) still sits inside what used to be the wye to the 3 mile Hot Springs branch. The railroad no longer owns it (now an Ag storage facility). The turntable has been gone since the 1970's. The RH foremans office (Bldg 112, built 1929)and the related washroom brick structures also stand. Las Vegas was the HQ for the old New Mexico Division prior to 1964. The Harvey Hotel (Cardenas - you see it in Red Dawn), the freight house (1926) and depot (1898)uptown still exist. The Division Office Building (1898-1972)was raised long ago. The CTC signal desk for the dispatcher is in the OTERO museum in La Junta.

If you could only see the big 1886 Victorian hotel at the other end of the branch (now Armand Hammer World University)...Montezuma Hot Springs Hotel...

The Montezuma Castle, on the campus of the Armand Hammer United World College, May 2003

Mudchicken Nothing is worth taking the risk of losing a life over. Come home tonight in the same condition that you left home this morning in. Safety begins with ME.... cinscocom-west

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