BNSF Boise City Sub-Transcon Grade Separation Amarillo opened July, 2003

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BNSF Boise City Sub-Transcon Grade Separation Amarillo opened July, 2003
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, July 15, 2006 12:20 PM
Trains magazine October 2004 pg 46 carried a photo of this location and had a brief description of the flyover. Is anyone aware of additonal stories, photographs or maps of this location? The photo in Trains suggests that there was some line relocation for the Boise City Sub leading to the grade separation with the Transcon.
A map of the rail facilities in Amarillo would be particularly helpful in fixing the site location East of Amarillo as well as showing the traffic flow patterns through the yard. I would be obliged to anyone having additional information on this site, its traffic impact and a willingness to share it with me.

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