CSX "Operation Lifesaver" on Mississippi Gulf Coas

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    January 2001
  • From: Mississippi Gulf Coast
  • 18 posts
CSX "Operation Lifesaver" on Mississippi Gulf Coas
Posted by fecfan on Wednesday, April 18, 2001 11:30 AM
The well-known "Operation Lifesaver" train promoting rail safety awareness is spending the day (Wednesday, 4-18-01) here in beautiful Ocean Springs MS, and is staying the night before moving on to pick up dignitaries and participants en route to New Orleans; I'm putting the word out for anyone close enough or interested enough to check out the train today. Its on the siding at the old L&N depot near downtown. CSX #9993 and an SD 40-2 are pulling up #994363('Kentucky', generator car), 994307 ('Washington'), 994317 ('Baltimore'), 994350 ('Illinois'), 994310 ('West Virginia'), 994012 ('Michigan'), and 994009 ('Massachusetts', theatre car). I enjoyed a hospitable tour of the train and expect to share the pictures this week.



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