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Posted by louisnash on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 9:14 PM
I do solemny swear that from this post forward I will not answer anything that should be posted by anyone by the likes of M&M and Cabforward.

I hope everyone else will do the same. Like they say, "You Have The Right To Remain Silent". Part of that right is to just ignore all the posts by the individuals that I just mentioned.

We are the problem. As long as we keep answering them they keep coming back for more. If we remain silent with them then they are losing. Right now they are winning.

So come on, let's talk about trains. Let's talk about the love for the railroad, whether you work for them or are a railfan.

Let's get away from all the negativity. Every job has it's negative side.

So let's make a pact and stick with it. Let's remain silent and ignore those others.

Come on Ed, Joe, Jenny, Wabash, Kev, Larry and all the others. Only we can make it happen. Let's be the winner.

Brian (KY)
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Posted by wabash1 on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 9:31 PM
As for me I see things a little differantly. I see us as the winners they are the ones running to the editors complaining about us not having a heart that we are cold. when you speak the truth and others dont believe it they run for the editors then come back trying to insult us again. I wont bow to thier leval when the truth must be told i will and i wont do it with tact. i wont cuss them but it is brainwashing like thiers to the public which is what keeps the court system going. This country is fastly becomeing a country of " I AM A STUPID WILL YOU FIGHT FOR ME WHEN I HURT MYSELF DOING SOMETHING STUPID" and all of the common sense people haft to pay for it. and why cause we are to busy paying for these law suits we dont have time to fight for ourselves. I will get off my soap box. I wont lose and if need be stated. I have not began to fight.

the unihead and mass murder by train
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Posted by louisnash on Tuesday, June 24, 2003 10:26 PM
Hey Wabash,

I understand fully where you are coming from. The only thing that bothers me is that these people are telling us things we already know. They need to go elsewhere to educate the ones that don't understand the concept of crossings. They may save a life. We know what the consequences are. I have seen it. I am always telling people about those dangers, young and old.

I fully support you to do what you believe in. I can fully understand where you are coming from being a rail employee. I am just tired of the bickering. They have yet to prove a valid point and it's just not worth me getting upset about. They won't listen to the truth.

You said you won't lose, and you haven't, and you won't. The facts are not in there favor.

The laws need to be changed. We have to much of a "I'll sue you" attitude.

As for my stance, I am done with them. You keep fighting. The truth always prevails.

Brian (KY)

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Posted by edblysard on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 2:20 AM
Hi Brian,
While I couldnt agree more with your statement that we are the problem, by answering the named few, I had no choice but to respont to cabforwards McCarthyish style posting.
As for the M&M twins, while at first, I felt they were just misguided and angry, and may have had a real beef with a railroad, as they went on, it became apparent they both had a problem with railroaders, as well as railroads. I became even more convinced both suffered from a deep and disturbing mental disorder, and to that end, felt, for a while pity for them. By now, I and most others know they are here only to pick a fight, on any front they can, in a sad attempt to get attention. So now I treat them like the slow and comic sidekick in most fictional stories. They are good for a laugh, and can provide some really choice raw material. My greatest fear is some younger reader, new to this site, make mistake either the M&M twins, or cabforward as someone with real knowledge, and therefore attempt to follow or mimic some of their, and missouri's mostly, stupid suggestions, such as riding on top of a rail car. This, as anyone with a ounce of common sense knows, is a deadly thing to do.
I tried to get others to stop responding to them, and for a while it worked, but one posting, the riding on top one by the dumber of the two, just snagged me.
But you know, if we dont keep trying, they, in a sick way, win, by getting some response from someone.
So I will try this, if I ever feel like rsponding to any of the three again, instead of giving a clear, consise truthfull response, I will just type in "I DONT CARE".
Hopefully, after a while, others will also follow your suggestion, or this one, and the triple twerps will get tired of being ignored, and go bug air traffic controlers or bus drivers.
Stay Frosty,

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Posted by Mookie on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 7:49 AM
Brian - Ok - I heard my name dropped, so guess I will give my 2 cents again.

I don't mind a little controversy. I don't mind a different opinion. I think it is a waste of the person posting an answers time if he only yells at someone else. But it is his time and his posting. The words don't bother me, since I can read them on any wall around town, hear them around most school kids - and not on campus - on the city bus. Unfortunately it happens.

Having said that, I have yet to really see any content in M & M. I have tried to ask questions of them and tried to get them to post just one or two sentences instead of 3 pages. Maybe one statement and then we would have a dialog. They don't want to do that. Most of the time they simply ignore me, probably being female and all.

Cabforward has always been a little controversial, but still a gentleman, as are all the men on this forum, toward me. Maybe he didn't handle this exactly the way I would. I don't like Big Brother breathing down my neck. But it has provided a whole new topic on the forum and that is ok, too.

Seems that either replying or not replying to M & M won't make a difference. They (mostly MO) will keep putting on new subjects and anyone new will probably reply. BUT - like Ed said, if we reply with something like - Chocolate Cake and ice cream in the dining car - isn't nearly as much fun to them as someone getting their blood pressure up and exploding. They poke a stick, get an explosive reaction and love every minute of it.

Now I am going to the dining car and look for Matt and the chocolate cake!


She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw

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Posted by wabash1 on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 8:15 AM

i will tell you this only cause it goes back to a post that was comented by you and myself. you should get a kick out of this.

Yesterday i took the wife to wal-mart. ( i know guys this was the first mistake but she had the credit card) to do alittle shopping. i didnt want her to do the shopping thing (impulse buying) so i tried hurrying along i made her follow me and got the things i needed (which is why i went) and was ready to go. then comes the my daughter needs this and she needs this and wouldnt i like that. so after 2 more hours we left walmart.(and under $100 spent a record for me)at the check out lines they only had 3 lanes open and half the town was there all the impulse items there. finally we checked out and left we got into my new truck. and headed home. I wasnt paying any attention to the wife as i was driving looking out for run-a-way school busses mad truck drivers and trains not on the tracks. when i looked over at her she had a bag of M&M candy. (plain) i ask her for a couple and she gave me some. then to my suprise she dropped one. ( oh no!) she wanted me to help her look for it while i was driving ( not good couse it was under her rear somewhere) I opted not to. as we was apporching the railroad crossing. when i pulled up at the house we had both forgot about those little things til i went around to close her door. and there from where her left check was to the end of the seat was smeard M&M. ( they never said they didnt melt under your rear) I was mad. and have forbid any form of M&M in my truck. I did get it to come off man i hate those things.
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Posted by JoeKoh on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 8:55 AM
what matt does to chocolate cake pictures thursday!!!!!
stay safe
can you get me some paper towels please? thank you.

Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


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Posted by JoeKoh on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 9:07 AM
Ed made a point. We don't need someone new to this site doing or being brainwashed by M&M posts.It is just interesting that I can take what they do post and prove them wrong with their own words.He complains about how railroads are unsafe but yet how they are improving safety with operation lifesaver and working with local gov'ts to fix problem areas.He (mo) hasn't responed to my posts while I have to his. The best thing he could come up with was something about the cincinnati reds.He doesn't even know the owners name that he was complaining i've said before train safety is one thing I take very seriously because that number 1(you) affect so many people.So if i can help I will.As for my Reds I've been a fan since I can remember.
stay safe brian
joe and matt

Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


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Posted by Mookie on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 10:14 AM
Wabash: On that original post, I was afraid I had offended the whole world! You really saved me on your reply and I thank you for it.

But had you let it, an M & M could have caused an accident - again! You were so fortunate to be smart enough to ignore them and watch for wayward trains! :)


She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 10:55 AM
Hey Brian, If you all don't mind i'd like to jump on that soap box with you and everyone else. Cab & M&M seem to be nothing but whiners, cry babies, and snitches. Since we can't run them over lets just ignore them like you say.

Marty Ca.
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 11:28 AM
Heres my 2 cents (+/- 1.6 cents american)

I honestly Love reading Missouri, mikes and Cabforwards posts! They give me my laugh for the day... weather it's.. an 1857 rule book or sfety crossings... They crack me up with their Wishy-washie trash.. What Gunk..! Everyone here knows it..

ED i do have a few Questions for you... you know what 8 really is??

Mike, missouris, and Cabforwards total intelligence messured in Watts. Not exactly the brightelt light on the tree.. although they are energy savers!

also Ed you posted this.. and anyone can answer
"I had no choice but to respont to cabforwards McCarthyish style posting."

Can someone explain "McCarthyish?"

now that i look like a complete idiot, i'll continue my rant..

I agree with Ed if we all post "I DON'T CARE" that would, could work. If we ignore them... that wont work.. if we laugh at the that COULD work...

I wi***he title waas right... "END OF THE LINE" but no.. this is one of many posts we will ecieve frm them.. i don't know if we hit the peak yet.. we seem to have lost paula or papula or plapal or whetever his name is.

Take Mel (Bless her heart) for example.. you rememebr one of her first posts.. when she was new she had actually thought about what missouri had written..

AHHHHHH! so yes they will havce an influance on new people..

what else do i want to say.. Ignoring doesn't make things go away! has any of your wives or GF's ignored you?

I'm answering YES! to that... based on expierience! rember the last time your GF or wife ignored you.. Did it make the proble
C)did it jsut disolve into nothing?

the answer is most likely B... you ever tried to ignore an ADD child?
yikes stand back

So i don't know if i made myself clear.. maybe i ahve.. maybe i didn't.. but Ed is right, Brian is Right J is right.. everyone is right.. and everyone is free to take their own way in handling these people.

Detour kev.

im telling you this guy called "myname" is gonna be the enxt big problem.. for me anyways..

i bet you he's like a child molester.. thats how much he scares me.
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Posted by edblysard on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 11:46 AM
You know, I can think of a no more appropriate place for these M&Ms than under someones behind.
Except maybe under the couch!
Stay Frosty,

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Posted by edblysard on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 1:28 PM
Nor are they the sharpest tool in the chest.
And to try to explain Sen. Joseph McCarthy to some one who was not alive then?
Well, heres a stab at it.
He was a junior senator who used the House commitee On Un-American Activities to make a name for himself, granted, not the name he would have wanted.
Basicly, the Un-American Commitee was trying to find out how badly the communist had infiltrated the American intelligence comunity, and how much influnce they had on America popular opinion.
Strange, defending the constitution which guarantees you the right to belong to any political party you chose, by invadeing the privacy and jailing people who belong to a party you dont like.
Starting to sound familar?
McCarthy used this as a chance to slander many people, get his name in the papers, and help his friend, J. Edgar Hoover, the man at the FBI gather information about people who, for whatever reason, may not have been on the A list of the FBI.
Quite a sad part of American history, one which I cant do justice to in this forum.
But the end result was that quite a few famous people, including Ronald Regan, who would go on to be President of the United States, were compelled to testify against their friends, or suffer being blacklisted if they didnt.
Pretty much a time when, if you didnt have the stars and stripes tattooed on your chest, eat apple pie every day, and vote either democrat or republican, you were un-american.
Sound even more familar, now?
Censorship is wrong. Period.
I may not like the music you listen to, but I will defend your right to hear it. I dont read or view porn, but the law say you have the right to read anything you want, so again, regardless of my personal feelings, I would defend your right to enjoy it.
I certainly didnt like what cabforward posted, but I would fight to the death to defend his right to post whatever he wants to, and my right to answer him in any way I wish.
Note no one else has asked the editors of this site to shut him off, or edit his postings?
I hope no one does. I even feel the M&M twins have just as much of a right to post here as you or I, and it is up to us, the users of this forum, to ignore them, or taunt them to our hearts desire.
But shutting out or preventing anyone from expressing their point of view is not what my dad, or his brother fought in WWII for, or what I was raised to do.
Cabforward seems to have missed the whole point and function of a open forum, the free, un censored exchange of ideas, comments, and viewpoints.
If he want Ward, June, Wally and the Bever, well, try cable tv. He can impose his censorship on no one but himself and ignore all the foul commericals.
My self, I perfer to read what I wish, when I wish, and excerise the supreme right we all have, to ignore things I dont like. But never deny others the right to read, listen to, or speak what they want. The choice cant come from big brother, it has to come from you. You, and you alone are the only person who can censor what you read. No one else has the right to do that for you, regardless of what cabforward thinks.
Stay Frosty,

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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 3:24 PM
AH YES! now i know.. the movie with Woody Allan depected the Mcarthy Period.. saw that movie in my political class.

what was it called... Heckey Brown..

Not Bullworth.. that was another Great Video..

My meomery has totally gone on me..

if anyone knows.. it was a great movie

Detour Kev.
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Posted by louisnash on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 5:27 PM
Joe and Matt

I used to really love baseball. Watched every game that I could, went to every Reds game that I could. Since the last big strike I don'e get into it that much anymore.

But I wished we had the days of Pete, Johnny, Concepcion, Soto, Foster and all those other guys around. I am only 30 and these are the ones I grew up around, but these guys were good.

Brian (KY)
Sorry I got away from the forum just a little.
Sorry to get away from the post
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Posted by wallywalkabout on Wednesday, June 25, 2003 7:58 PM
Ed, that "Joe Mc" era was real scary, sounds a lot like some of our leaders of the recent past.

Now (on a more serious note) and onto the real problem on this site. Why not leave the idiocy rantings of the troubled posters alone. All you, and I don't mean you in the first person singular, do is fuel their fire!! They are not gnats. They will go away if left alone!!
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, June 26, 2003 12:10 AM
By making a reply to any of these forum notes you give it a new life as the clock starts ticking all over again until no reply is made for a given length of time and it looks like about one month.

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