So I asked OSHA

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So I asked OSHA
Posted by Anonymous on Friday, June 13, 2003 12:27 AM

Topic: Regulations (Standards) I'm driveing my truck and there's hundreds of railroad crossings failing the FHWA sight distance triangles which the FRA has rediculous speed limits set too high for the trains. The Federal Railroad Administration is worthless as teets on a bore hog and won't do anything about it.

Highway deaths were 1 about every 67 million miles traveled last year.
2002 TOTALS for the major railroads. These 5 accounted for 739 of the 951
total reported deaths last year. 78%.

Amtrak-- 39,652,480 train miles... Killed 124--- 41 at crossings---1 person
killed every 319,778 miles traveled.
BNSF--161,813,974 train miles... Killed 148---68 at crossings---1 person
killed every 1,093,338 miles traveled.
CSX----109,901,185 train miles... Killed 120--- 39 at crossings---1 person
killed every 915,843 miles traveled.
NS------ 92,214,833 train miles... Killed ---126---58 at crossings--1person
killed every 731,863 miles traveled.
UP------186,750,216 train miles... Killed---221---69 at crossings---1 person
killed every 845,024 miles traveled

Then Clem railroad worker is out in his t-shirt with no stop/slow sign paddle, no vest, no advance warning signs that Clem is going to be direction traffic ahead. Nothing but Clem with his bare hands. Talking about pathetic. No wonder railroads get away with almost a 1000 murders a year.
Submit Date: 09-JUN-03 10:45:05 PM

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Occupational Safety & Health Administration
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210

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Posted by Jackflash on Friday, June 13, 2003 12:54 AM
In reading between the lines I see their response
is LOOK, LISTEN, AND LIVE approach all railroad
crossings with caution, expect a train anytime.
you didnt need to contact anyone for this information, as we've been trying to tell you this all along.
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, June 13, 2003 1:01 AM
Nah---Their message was to contact the mob bosses. We will see because I don't work for the railroad so their rules don't mean diddly squat on a public/private road.
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Posted by edblysard on Friday, June 13, 2003 1:39 AM
So you wrote OSHA about railroad grade crossing accidents? And seriously expected a response? Ha HA HA HA HA, how bright can your get?Isn't that like writing NASA to complain your street light is out? Wait a minute, that would makes a lot of sense to you. Hey, why dont you write NASA about your street lights not working, and while you have their attention, see what they can do about railroads? If you want, I will send you the address to JSC, here in Houston, all you have to do is tell me your address, real name, and where you work.
Or does mommy not let you tell people your address?
( how do mike and missouri change a light bulb?
they cant, it didnt come with instructions!)

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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, June 13, 2003 5:51 AM
If you truely sent this Data to OSHA they are probably still laughing at it. Your data is skewed. Do you realize more people die from cigerette smoking in one month, then from train crossings all year? Why don't you go bother the Marolbro man?
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, June 13, 2003 8:14 AM
LOL... i won't say anyhting more.. for those of you who havn't seen check the topic called "Advocate Railraod crossings, posting @ 4:31 pm on 6/12/03


detour kev..

you sure you e-mailed OSHA? you have e-mailed OSHAMA by accident.. if your wonderign why they havn't replied... you probobly mailed OSHAMA instead of OSHA.. LOL

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Posted by wabash1 on Friday, June 13, 2003 8:33 AM
Why are you running into brick walls and not getting answers. Its so simple even your mother could probley figure this out. The railroads are not govermed by the fhwa ( that is trucks and buses and cars) the fra is the only governing body for railroads. osha dont have any control over the railroads and the work practices that are in place. if a man gets hurt on the railroad and things need to be changed for saftey reasons its not osha who does these changes or investigates. nothing public that you have access to will come on railroad property.

But i guess this is why you get mad cause nothing you do helps your cause. If you would quit acting like a bully and ask for help we would help you but the bully keeps getting beat up and running back to mamma why cause you to stupid to look in the right places. the sight triangle in which you refer is for trucks and bussses not trains and does not and will not ever have this formula. if you saw a case won by this it was due to all the jury members was like you no idea what was presented to you but a lawyer said it it must be true. and all this lawyer wanted was to win his case. with wrong information. but that is a lawyer he gets paid to lie.
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Posted by JoeKoh on Friday, June 13, 2003 10:01 AM
you've said some strange things before write the gov't and say they are contacting mob bosses?You better pray momma dont answer the door and the fbi cia secrect sevice atf don't come in and take away your computer.that would be a shame.Are you sure Jimmy Hoffa is dead?
The giafones are out of buisness?I'd be looking over your shoulder clown if I were you.
stop look listen and live

Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, June 13, 2003 11:07 AM
Exactly. That's how I know the FRA is in the railroads pocket because there are no sight requirements for trains Mandatory. The part that makes them murderers.
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, June 13, 2003 11:34 AM
exactly.. so step on the tracks buddy...
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, June 13, 2003 8:20 PM
Could we get some clarity here. Who are you calling murderer, The railroads or the Federal Goverment?
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Posted by louisnash on Friday, June 13, 2003 10:48 PM

The little joke about the light bulb instructions is cute. But what bothers me about M&M with the light bulb is where they put it.

Brian (KY)
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, June 13, 2003 11:40 PM
I think both. The FRA for sitting track speeds KNOWING the crossing equipment sucks and the railroads for running their trains KNOWING the crossing equipment sucks.
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Posted by edblysard on Friday, June 13, 2003 11:44 PM
If they put it where I think they put most things, I will be happy to provide 600 volts, d/c to light up their life...just need jumper cables.
The Unihead

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Posted by BRAKIE on Saturday, June 14, 2003 6:19 AM
M&M clown,Man you're really dense..You have no idea what OHSA does..LOL.You best stay away from the Government agencies till you find out what each one does..Perhaps you need that Iraqian spokesman-naw at least he tried to make sense with his propaganda..Perhaps you need to take lessons from him?



Summerset Ry.

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Posted by wabash1 on Saturday, June 14, 2003 1:50 PM
yep your right the fra is in the railroads pocket. 25,000 dollar fine for a crew to work 12hrs and 01min to the crew unless instructed by the carrier. then the carrier gets the fine. Build a train not having the haz-mat buried another 50-100k to the crew and carrier. Oh yes here is another on improperly billing a train with wrong haz-mat so the crew dont know yes close to a million.

Oh and here is a good one inside the fra is several differant offices who the officers in each office specialize in differant fields some in train operations some hours of service som in haz-mat others in proper building and proper air brake testing now i know i didnt state the names right. I had a fra man on my train he was checking the haz-mat in the train. I ask him a question about interlockings and the operations there of. he gave me a number of another agent who is specialized in that feild of the operations. in other words he knew nothing about that his field was haz-mat. so when you call the fra missouri make sure you go to the correct office or you might find yourself still wondering why nobody listens or cares what you are saying.
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, June 14, 2003 9:14 PM
I think those are the same people who put this Computer Chip in my head. They track me everywhere I go. It started about the same time all those satellite dishes went up in my area. (Everybody said it was the high cable prices) The goverment is out to get us! Rumour has it, you are safe down in Texas. Everybody wears Cowboy hats and it blocks out the transmitter.
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Posted by edblysard on Sunday, June 15, 2003 12:27 AM
Ok, who told?
Now we have to do a security check on the toads, they are allways mouthing off about everything.
The Unihead Ed

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, June 15, 2003 8:17 AM
There you go again. Spin! Up to a 1,000 killed at railroad crossing, but when I add up your numbers I come up with 275....

When I add up your total numbers I come up with 739, no where near a 1,000. Stick to the facts, not spin....

You expect the federal government will save the day, but the federal government has higher numbers of the dead in accidents on their highways.....

Be realistic. Come to the real world.

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, June 15, 2003 8:39 AM
The FRAs fines were like $6 million total for 300,000 or 400,000 safety violations last year. Comes out to like 10 bucks apiece or $5 hr per one of the 300 FRA inspectors to come in and inspect so the railroad can send their $80 inspectors home.
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Posted by DTomajko on Tuesday, June 17, 2003 2:47 PM
What I really want to know is;what happened to m&m to maintain this vendeta against railroads?Was his dog run over by a train?Do you hate trucks,cars,motorcycles,cigarettes,guns,heart disease,and cancer as much?They probably kill more people a year than trains,I don't really know but I'm sure m&m have all the right facts that they can make up.Maybe you have some deep mental problem that cause you to irrationally hate everything.Maybe Dr.Phil's website would prove more useful for you or maybe a job that would pay you to hate,like with osama,(suicide bomber comes to mind).I work in an intermodal yard for a contractor to NS,and the reason there aren't alot of FRA fines is that it is drilled into our & railroader's heads to avoid an unsafe act that would result in a fine.Use of derails,blue flags,& constant radio communication keep all safe & in one piece.The #1 rule at work is to take home all the parts intact that you came with.Get some help and find some peace before it's too late.Everyone else stay safe & enjoy yourself, DT, Pa.
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Posted by edblysard on Tuesday, June 17, 2003 4:11 PM
Hey there DT,
We get the "When in doubt, take the safest route" drilled into our head from day one.
Not a engineer, conductor/foreman/switchman has had one minute of grief from any of our officers if they stopped because they wern't sure what to do or how to proceed. If we find a defect, broken rail, busted or dull switch points, missing target, defective or worn frog points,
even missing joint bar bolts, our officer give us a $10.00 gift certificate to a local sporting good store or treat the crew to a pizza dinner.
And yup, take home everything you brough out there with you.
You Stay Frosty there DT,

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, June 17, 2003 7:14 PM
They pay you extra for your BS there Ed.
True story---Switch needed replaced and day after day it was ordered and the order was kicked back because the switch was $14,000 at the time and the railroad was waiting to rebuld a switch. The Amtrak hit the bad swirch, derailed, killed/injured some people and the NTSB found the holding pin 6" under the gravel so it had to have been there for at least six months.
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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, June 17, 2003 7:51 PM
Was there someone hurt or killed on that train that you knew personally? If you would starte telling the truth yourself, and starte signing your real name we just might take you a little more seriously. Maybe! It is hard for us to comprehend were you are coming from through all your dribble. Signing your name "Missouri" adds no credibility to the point you are trying to bring across. Until you starte signing a legitimate name I do not think anyone is going to take you seriouslly.
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Posted by edblysard on Tuesday, June 17, 2003 9:02 PM
8900 Clinton Drive, PTRA North Yard, Houston Texas. See you there, and bring a bag to carry all your own BS. How would know a switch from a turnout?
A switch is what you use to turn you lights on, or in your case, out. A turnout is what you use to move a train from one track to another. And buttweasel, when a locomotive lands on anything, it can drive it six feet under the ballast. Sorry, gravel is what a pansy like you would use in your garden, railroads use ballast.
By the way, we dont carry Amtrak, just freight cars.
Got any balls, or still too scared.
Again, it 8900 Clinton Drive, Houston Texas, Port Terminal Railroas Association, North Yard, E & F lead, 3:00 pm. wed thru sunday.
See you there any day you can work up the courage, if that word isnt to frightening for you, coward.

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Posted by edblysard on Tuesday, June 17, 2003 9:15 PM
Oh, wait a minute, of coures you know how deep the "pin" was, whatever pin your talking about, you the jerk who sabotaged the turnout in the first place, your one of the criminals who like to wreck trains, and disable crossing gates and signal systems. Now it makes sense, your afraid to tell us who you are because of your criminal activities. Bet you were the clown who broke the lock on the switch after Amtrak had entered the signal block, and threw the turnout to line it into a siding with frieght cars in it, and didnt have the guts to do it right.
So you enjoy killing people, how else would you know information about how deep the NTSB found anything?
Murder and mayhem.
Besides being a coward, your a thief, a liar, a killer and a mommas boy.

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, June 19, 2003 1:13 PM

i bet missori does do these things.. i bet he does worse.. i bet i've seen his pic on that show with John walsh as the host.. Americas most wanted!

your on the FBI's most wnated list aren't you?

what do they want you for .. stupidity?

Also, i'd like to recall an accident near Edmonton alberta about 11 years back.. the conductor went to the crapper.. had soem kind of an attack and died. now the funny thing is.. this train ran a switch too. and it wasn't in the trains favor.. throughout all of our Derailments in modern history every time a locomotive has hit a bad switch.. the locomotive NEVER derails. it flys over that switch easily and effortlessly.. now i'm sure their have been a few times where the darn thing derailed, but the majority of the time-- no sir, the locomotive stays on the right track,.

so there you go again,.... WRONG! so SIT DOWN!

cheers from

see the name and city and all?? try it out.. don't be a coward.. you and cabforward seem to have a problme with that.

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