Why don't

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Why don't
Posted by edblysard on Saturday, May 24, 2003 11:30 PM
Why don't railroads take all the money we steal from the crossing gate program, and buy every employee a new Lexus SUV? I bet we would even have enough left over to purchase great big sheets of fly paper we could put down in front of grade crossings, and string really big rubber bands across the posts where the stolen gate would go.
See http/reallystupidstuff.from/mikesmind/
Heck, we might even have enough left over for a industrial size roll of duct tape, and we could duct tape our friend to the front of a locomotive, and go speeding through all our crossings, giving him a real up close and personal view of grade crossing accidents.
Thats of course after we find out if aliens are really abducting people at crossings, and just making it look like a accident.

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 25, 2003 1:59 AM
Go check out the board of directors driveways Unihead Ed. I think you done caught them.They just ain't passing on down the line so to speak. But before you go takeing off in a train shouldn't you know how to run one first Unihead Ed?
The railroads weren't even smart enough to figure out how to operate snag nets---result---two dead boys---why? Because the gates were left turned off---How do I know? 6 cameras were hooked up to the University of Illinois botched experiment and caught the railroads in a big lie. The gates weren't down to go around like would be the case 95% of the time if cameras were used and the smokin' gun wasn't hid. The nets weren't bad the TDS running them are junk ---illegal because they are NOT fail safe. Highly covered up by the FRA, NTSB, and railroads who sold the junk to the tax-payers.
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Posted by JoeKoh on Sunday, May 25, 2003 6:41 AM
Hi Ed
I didn't know you liked talking to a brick wall.Some people just don't get it and never will.Just look listen and live.
have a safe weekend

Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


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Posted by Jackflash on Sunday, May 25, 2003 7:21 AM
Expect a train at any time , gates down or not,
I bet the horn was blowing, and I bet the head-
lights were on, any thing man makes is subject to
failure, dont trust the gates. Look Listen and live. jackflash
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Posted by JoeKoh on Sunday, May 25, 2003 8:20 AM
now if we can get other people to understand look listen and live that would be great!
stay safe

Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


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Posted by edblysard on Sunday, May 25, 2003 8:47 AM
Normaly I dont, I just wanted to see if the social pyschopath who uses both mike and missouri was as stupid as I though. He is, and like my parents taught me, I dont pick on the mentally handicapped. With all these smoking guns we seem to have hidden, we should be able to outfit a small army. Anybody feel like going hunting? And I want to know how you "illegaly park" a box car? What, was it more than 18' away from the curb, or "parked" in front of a fire hydrant or in a fire zone?
Guess I should go to one of the web site promoted,
maybe try http://www.missourimissedhis/zoloft://moronsof america.rabidasaratsass/.dumbasdirt.
Besides, its kinda fun to imagine this guy sitting there, foaming at the mouth, wild eyed and jacked up on diet coke, spending all night looking up national enquirer style web pages.
Next, hes gonna swear we are all alien replacements put on train to kill humans in some sick, goverment backed CIA experiment, and come up with a web page to prove it. At first, it was agrivating and annoying to read the drivel, then, the more you read, the more you realize this guys flat out psychotic, lost in some conspieracy theory alternative reality.
Bluntly, I was bored.
You stay safe over the long weekend, too joe!
Stay Frosty,

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 25, 2003 3:18 PM
Major highway slick with all kinds of sight obstructions so if you slow down SLOW enough to see FAR enough your going to get creamed from the rear. So the train was speeding for the sight distances given the kids. And you can take the whistles and throw them in the ocean with todays stereo systems, road noise, insulated vehicles, etc... Failsafe system failed. Plain and simple. And why should we be paying $150,000 for a junk piece of equipment? Europe uses a 4 code system so there are 4 back ups. The junk we have a coat of rust gets on the tracks and the train isn't detected. Salt is put on the snow at a crossing causeing a dead short between the rails and the gates start doing there daily exercises. Up 1,2,3...down 1,2,3,... over and over with no trains around somebody comes around a corner and the gates are up about the same time the train arrives. Was the gate working? Well yeah but not when it needed to be.

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 25, 2003 5:57 PM
well you kinda answered your own question there clown. If a kid has his stereo blasting there is no way he could hear a train coming.if they are on their cell phones or changing their radios would they notice the gates or sma***hrough them?You are trying to blame the railroad and/or railworkers for other peoples stupidity.Driving is privilage.If you arrive at the same time a train does at a crossing you lose.It's common sense clown LOOK LISTEN and LIVE.
stay safe
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 25, 2003 7:06 PM
The kid wasn't the signalman that left the jumper on the gates there clown. Train whistles have been proven worthless hundreds of times. Looks like the railroads would gotten the hint when they started have forked out millions.

Well no they know the hint and know it's cheaper to kill'em. That's what makes it cold, calculated, and pre meditated KNOWINGLY OPERATEING THE TRAINS AT EXCESSIVE SPEEDS WITHOUT THE PROPER SAFETY EQUIPMENT IN PLACE.
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 25, 2003 8:12 PM
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 25, 2003 8:23 PM
A illegaly parked rail car is one parked within 250 feet of the crossing. A well versed railtoader like you should know that Unihead ED. Now if there was a statute where two trains couldn't occupy the same crossing within say 1/4 of each other this girl killed today would be alive or if the missing 2nd track occupied circuitry had been installed. Railroads and the FRA who are tucked in their pockets need locked up and the key thrown away.

Young woman on bike struck dead by train

The Associated Press
5/25/03 8:17 PM

MCKEESPORT, Pa. (AP) -- A young woman riding her bike was struck and killed by a train Sunday afternoon just blocks away from emergency officials marching in a Memorial Day parade.

The unidentified woman, believed to be in her teens, waited for an eastbound train to pass before crossing the tracks but apparently didn't hear another train coming from the opposite direction, Versailles Volunteer Fire Chief Dave Obley said.

"The trains were going across at the same time. She didn't hear the westbound train," Obley said.

Obley and fellow firefighters marching in a Memorial Day parade four blocks away responded to the scene within a minute at about 3:20 p.m. The firefighters hopped onto a firetruck and drove off the parade route.

"We scared a lot of parade people. They had no idea what was going on," Obley said.

The victim was declared dead at the Juniper Street crossing in Versailles. The Allegheny County Coroner's Office said an autopsy will likely be done Monday.
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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, May 25, 2003 8:38 PM
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Posted by Jackflash on Sunday, May 25, 2003 8:40 PM
Checked my rule book to be sure but it says
cars are to be left no closer than 75 feet or
to be off any crossing warning circuts so as to
not activate them
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Posted by JoeKoh on Sunday, May 25, 2003 9:36 PM
hi clown
why was she on the other track? it's so simple LOOK LISTEN LIVE.expect a train anywhere at condolences to her family.clown you need to really get a life.
stay safe

Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


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Posted by wabash1 on Monday, May 26, 2003 1:36 PM
You are so pathitic, it wont do any good to tell you the facts but i will tell other as they have the right to know

1) when we set cars out at spur tracks they only need to be back from the crossing 100ft. simple. enough but for your intelegents we should maybe move the custmor.

2) the railroad i work for I know for a fact that the signals are set up to failsafe, if the crossing is shorted by salt and snow that does not keep the gates from working. the thing you are talking about is the island circut which is from the center of the crossing to 25ft either side of it. if a train is sitting on the crossing the gates wont time out like they do when you are approching the crossing slow. and if there is something else that goes wrong such as the starter circut the gates and signal will come on and stay on. your argument wont fly as the lod system like you are tallking about aint been used in 20 years

3)i stop and or slow down at all railroad crossing with lights and with out, i come home its on a major state highway and i have yet to be rear ended, and if i ever get rear ended i wont haft to pay they will. but your logic is no good as you say if you slow down or stop you would get rear ended , do you exspect to get rear ended if a train is there, or if the lights just come on and you stop, in your area probley so. as they seam to want to beat trains anyways so they wouldnt see you stopping so they could beat the train.

4) I guess if i had the stereo up loud and the cell phone going windows rolled up insulated and blinders on so i could not see lights either i would get hit for ignoring all the warnings,

5) speeding trains track speed is slower now thatn in the 60s and 70s and we have more accidents now to. If they tell me to run 70mph i will and your opinion wont mean nothing to me. oh and if you say that i hope i dont haft to endure the loss of my kids at a crossing i wont haft to my kids know a train will kill you and to stop and look before crossing the tracks. and they aint been rear ended either. hhhmmmmmmmm. seems to me the ones that stop live.

all you need to remeber is that the railroad has the right of way. you may not want to believe this or maybe you dont think they should but this is the law, just look it up in any state drivers manual. and this is why there is a fine for going around or going thru a crossing that is protected by lights and gates. I personally never been fined for going over a crossing by a cop. and finally in my conductor days i have flaged crossing for trains and either i have had people ask my if they have time to beat the train. or they rev thier engines and glaced me as they got by me after they stopped and got missed by the train by inches and never stopped. the police arrested her as she didnt know i took her lic number. as i did with all cars when i worked the ground. i either exspect you to come back with bull for some of these statements or call me a liar when you cant think of nothing else to say. your methods are well known now. just remeber look listen and live.... words to live by
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, May 26, 2003 4:39 PM
The new message. Fix the problem killers or shut down.
Take the stay safe off dip because your what they call a "dip".
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, May 26, 2003 5:21 PM
Listen up, I would kick you in the nuts if you had any. A thousand drunk drivers are more in control than a 60 mph freight train? You are clearly insane. I hope you find help! What do you do for a living by the way? I don't expect a real answer from Planet Voltron.
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Posted by JoeKoh on Monday, May 26, 2003 6:14 PM
I went train watching today.I also paid respects as taps and our national anthem was played.This clown probably stayed in looking at www.whatever/Ican twist/in my parade went over a rail crossing everyone looked listened and lived!Amazing now isn't it?
stay safe

Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


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Posted by wabash1 on Monday, May 26, 2003 9:14 PM
joe it is amazing a parade crossed the tracks and nobody got killed . but this other guys says that a truck going 1mph wont get out of a trains way. ive never crossed a crossing in a truck at less than 10 mph and as the laaw states not shifting on the crossing. he'll you stop then get going a person walks at 5mph unless your name is missouri. look listen and live. operation life saver rules.
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, May 26, 2003 9:16 PM
Looks like your in the wrong rulebook to me.
6.32.4 Clear of Crossings and Signal Circuits
Leave cars, engines, or equipment clear of road crossings and crossing signal circuits.
If possible, avoid leaving cars, engines, or equipment standing closer than 250 feet from the road crossing when there is an adjacent track.

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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, May 26, 2003 10:25 PM
Hey Ed: I went to that website you listed. The only thing I saw was a photo of some guy pissin' into the wind. I just dont understand why someone would do that?
Icemanmike-Dry in Milwaukee
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Posted by Jackflash on Monday, May 26, 2003 10:40 PM
Your rules might say that, mine dont, since I have to work by my rule book,,,well you understand
by the way, it says NO CLOSER, natch. if you have
more room you would use it.
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, May 26, 2003 10:44 PM
Also each RR has there own rule book for diferent issues: althogh protecting dolts is not one of them!
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, May 26, 2003 11:07 PM
You work on the Lionel in Basement railroad or what?

Third Edition
Effective -April 10, 1994
These rules herein govern the operation of the railroads listed and must be complied with by all employees regardless of gender whose duties are in any way affected thereby.

They supersede all previous rules and instructions inconsistent therewith.
Adopted by:
Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company
Burlington Northern Railway Company
Chicago and North Western Transportation Company
CP Rail System Heavy Haul-US
Southern Pacific Lines
Union Pacific Railroad

AT&L Railroad Company
Amtrak Western Division Peninsula Commute Service
Arizona and California Railroad Company
Arizona Central Railroad Company
Arizona Eastern Railway Company
Border Pacific Railroad
California and Western Railroad, Inc.
California Northern Railroad Company
California Western Railroad
Cedar Rapids and Iowa City Railway Company
Cedar River Railroad
Central California Traction Company
Central Montana Rail, Inc.
Chicago Central and Pacific Railroad Company
Columbia and Cowlitz Railway
Council Bluffs Railway
Dakota, Minnesota and Eastern Railroad Corporation
Davenport, Rock Island and Northwestern Railway Company
Duluth Missabe and Iron Range Railway Company
Duluth, Winnipeg and Pacific Railway
Eastern Alabama Railway Company
Fox River Valley Railroad Company
Gateway Western Railway
Grainbelt Corporation
Grand Canyon Railway
Great Western Railway of Colorado
Great Western Railway of Oregon
Green Bay and Western Railroad Company
Hutchinson and Northern Railway Company
Indiana and Ohio Rail System
Indiana Hi-Rail Corporation
Iowa Interstate Railroad, Ltd.
Jaxport Terminal Railway
Kansas City Terminal Railway Company
Kyle Railroad Company
Lake Superior and Ishpeming Railroad Company
Lewis and Clark Railway Company
Little Rock and Western Railway, LP
Louisiana and Delta Railroad
McCloud River Railroad Company
Meridian and Bigbee Railroad
MG Rail, Inc.
Minnesota Commercial Railway Company
Minnesota Valley Transportation Company
Montana Rail Link
Montana Western Railway Company
Mount Vernon Terminal Railway, Inc.
Napa Valley Railroad Company
North Coast Railroad
Northeast Illinois Regional Commuter Railroad Corporation
Northern Nevada Railroad Corporation
Otter Tail Valley Railroad Company, Inc.
Port of Tillamook Bay Railroad
Railtex Railroad Division
Red River Valley and Western Railroad
Rochester and Southern Railroad, Inc.
San Diego Northern Railway
San Diego Railroad Museum
San Joaquin Valley Railroad Company
San Pedro and South Western Railway Company
Sierra Railroad Company
South East Kansas Railroad
Southwestern Railroad Company, Inc.
Southern California Regional Rail Authority
St. Maries River Railroad Company
Texas Limited
Texas Gonzales and Northern Railway Company, Inc.
Texas Northwestern Railway Company, Inc.
Toledo, Peoria and Western Railway Corporation
Trona Railway Company
Tulsa-Sapulpa Union Railway Company
Twin Cities and Western Railroad Company
Utah Central Railway
Utah Railway Company
Ventura County Railway Company
Washington Central Railroad Company, Inc.
Willamette and Pacific Railroad, Inc.
Willamette Valley Railroad
Willamina and Grand Ronde Railway
Wisconsin and Calumet Railroad Company, Inc.
Wisconsin and Southern Railroad Company
Wisconsin Central, Ltd.
Wyoming Colorado Railroad Company
Yreka Western Railroad

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Posted by edblysard on Monday, May 26, 2003 11:15 PM
Sorry, I listed an old site, it been upgraded to
Sorry for the mix-up, I was out hiding smoking guns all day.
Stay Frosty,

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, May 27, 2003 2:32 AM
Sorry the basement is off limits so I share the computer room with my Lionels, Ho scale, and other colectables.
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Posted by wabash1 on Tuesday, May 27, 2003 9:15 AM
i didnt see the railroad i work for in that list, but dont matter his is in mickey mouse land as there is a new addition and all the info he has is out dated. which means we go by the new rules even if they omit something from the old book. in other words if you are getting info from that book to impress us then you are wasting your time as those rules are no longer in effect.
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Posted by wabash1 on Tuesday, May 27, 2003 9:20 AM

i went to that site and it showed him urinating on himself while looking for smoking guns. and putting illegal torpedos on the rails slowing trains down over bridges. what gives?????
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Posted by edblysard on Tuesday, May 27, 2003 9:45 AM
His outdated GCOR, minus the timetable for any railroad says thats what to do when you find illeagly parked railcars. Its ok for him to tresspass because hes one of the good guys out to save the whales, hug a tree, and help the downtrodden.
What do you think the odd are of mike and missouri being two sides of a multiple schizophrenic disorder? Wonder who else is in there with them?
Guess the closet isn't shut quite as tight as he/they though?

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Posted by wabash1 on Tuesday, May 27, 2003 9:54 AM
and just think give someone a outdated rule book and they think they are a professional railroader. only to find out they have all the wrong information to start with. and this is what the railroaders haft to deal with regularly. I bet the railroads had his 1974 price list to work off of. And of course if we all went off of the 1945 driving manualls how many cars do you think wouldnt have a dent in the fenders.

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