Track gangs have begun the process of dismantling the Camas Prairie's Second Subdivision between Spaulding and Grangeville, Idaho. Currently, crews from a salvage company in Montana are pulling track spikes and rail bolts in preparation for the rail to be removed in the spring.
Work began about two weeks ago in Grangeville. The work force was in Fenn yesterday and will continue to work north.
Camas Prairie Railnet embargoed operations on the subdivision in November 2000. The numerous bridges and tunnels are too expensive to maintain. Shippers reporedly want rail service, however, to get grain and lumber off the prairie. Trucks will win the business by default. A number of older three-bay covered hoppers that were used in grain shuttle service are stored on the sidings at Lapwai and Culdesac, Idaho. Most are in GN livery, with some BN, NP and even Burlington liveries for variety.
The Second Sub's bridges, including the Lawyer's Creek Viaduct, will stay in place for the foreseeable future.
CSP Railnet operations include the daily except Saturday turn up the Third Sub to Ayer to interchange cars with the UP and BNSF, two yard jobs to switch local industries, and a twice a week turn down the First Sub to Kooskia and Kamiah (Cam-ee-eye). Power on hand is three B23-7s (nos. 1-3) and an SW1000.
Second Sub salute: Sic transit gloria mundi.
Paul Schmidt
Contributing Editor