Heads up Railfans.

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Heads up Railfans.
Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, July 6, 2005 7:05 AM
Detours to start very soon on the Boone sub. over in Western Iowa. Union Pacific is in preperation to start the 2005 year work on installing Concrete ties and install new Rail. Work will begin on the East side of Denison,Iowa. Work on the Main "one" wil commence sometime in about one week or less.
Detours will begine from Nevada jct. to Des Moines to Council Bluffs on the IAIS (ROCK ISLAND) proper. Other Detours will commence on the CNIC Railway from Council Bluffs to West Denison,Iowa. So if you want to catch some summer time detour action,this is your chance! End of List.

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