I had one very cool dream come true.

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  • From: Somewhere near the tracks
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I had one very cool dream come true.
Posted by railfan619 on Tuesday, June 28, 2005 4:46 PM
when I was little I got to drive an amtrak into the station so It could load the passengers. But one thing. I did not know amtrak lets the older passengers onto the train 1st and then the train moves up to load the rest of the passengers. But anyway
It was a very cool experince for me because I got to see the control cab of the car. Along with all of the cool buttons and knobs. Like how they spray sand onto the tracks and how the bells and horn work. Also one thing I did not know was when a mechanic places a blue flag by the train so he can check it out. Only the the mechanic can remove the flag before the train can move.

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