QUOTE: Originally posted by gabe QUOTE: Originally posted by dharmon QUOTE: Originally posted by mustanggt making fun of Texas, flaming for no reason, this topic is USELESS[V] Nah...it's just been a full week..... ....we've had a crusader ....now a couple of martyr wannabe's ... just need a saint to appear and we'll have a trifecta! Of all weeks to decide I need to take a step back from the forum and get some work done. Does this caped crusader have a name. And a martyr? What did the martyr do, offer CSX to reroute their hazardous chemicals through their back yard? Sorry . . . I am no saint. Gabe
QUOTE: Originally posted by dharmon QUOTE: Originally posted by mustanggt making fun of Texas, flaming for no reason, this topic is USELESS[V] Nah...it's just been a full week..... ....we've had a crusader ....now a couple of martyr wannabe's ... just need a saint to appear and we'll have a trifecta!
QUOTE: Originally posted by mustanggt making fun of Texas, flaming for no reason, this topic is USELESS[V]
23 17 46 11
QUOTE: Originally posted by dougal Let's see how long it takes for this one to be locked/deleted.
QUOTE: Originally posted by SP9033 Nor is your draft dodging, coke sniffing, silver spooned president, that never worked a day in his life, who never passed a bill in support of the working class. This guy can't even sercure our southern border because his business buddies want a well established under class. Jim
QUOTE: Originally posted by eolafan QUOTE: Originally posted by dharmon LOL..... ..now that's funny.....a basement in Dallas..... Since the topic has gone from one of post count to bashing Texams, I'm back for a while. If houses in Texas had basements I would expect somebody would tear down their house so they could use their basement as one enourmous barbeque pit., since that seems to be what they do best down there (unless you count riding at 100 mph in a 30 mph zone in your six wheel pickemup truck with a gun rack and 12 guage behind the seat while chewing tobacco (oh, how totally gross).
QUOTE: Originally posted by dharmon LOL..... ..now that's funny.....a basement in Dallas.....
QUOTE: Of all weeks to decide I need to take a step back from the forum and get some work done. Does this caped crusader have a name. And a martyr? What did the martyr do, offer CSX to reroute their hazardous chemicals through their back yard? Sorry . . . I am no saint. Gabe
QUOTE: Originally posted by SP9033 QUOTE: Originally posted by mustanggt making fun of Texas, flaming for no reason, this topic is USELESS[V] Yes it is useless, but some jerk from Huston started it, and after my 1971 introduction to Texas, I'll never play second fiddle again. And of course the quality of the BUSH family certainly speaks to the values of the rich, and shoving the down and out under! Jim
QUOTE: Originally posted by corailfan Maybe it's just my keen intuition, but get the feeling that this is a very "angry" thread, and yet I can't seem to look away, sort of like a (and pardon the horrible pun here) train wreak. [;)] But now down to the reason I am posting here: QUOTE: Originally posted by SP9033 Trains Magazine is America's Railfan Publication. It sponsers this forum, thanks. I don't understand, with so many railfan happenings, why a thread would be needed, and created just to increase a posters star count? Within the railfanning arena, there is so much news, why is there a thread on increasing a persons posting record, if there is no value in the posting? This is just crap. Some railfan posts 100 real follow-ups to threads, and another post 1000 me tooos. It isn't about the number of posts, its about the quality of the post... Jim - Lawton, NV MP 236 So let me get this straight....you are against the thread that Dan started (in jest really) as a place to "run up the posts", and yet in the time since you have started this thread you have started two others with that general idea as the subject. So I guess I am just wondering if you are trying to be funny or just ignorant, because at least for me, I can't really tell? Jerry! Jerry! Jerry![;)]
QUOTE: Originally posted by SP9033 Trains Magazine is America's Railfan Publication. It sponsers this forum, thanks. I don't understand, with so many railfan happenings, why a thread would be needed, and created just to increase a posters star count? Within the railfanning arena, there is so much news, why is there a thread on increasing a persons posting record, if there is no value in the posting? This is just crap. Some railfan posts 100 real follow-ups to threads, and another post 1000 me tooos. It isn't about the number of posts, its about the quality of the post... Jim - Lawton, NV MP 236
QUOTE: Originally posted by dharmon QUOTE: Originally posted by dharmon QUOTE: Originally posted by ajmiller QUOTE: Originally posted by SP9033 Let's allow Texas and GW Bu***o leave the Union. I'd like California and Massachusetts to secede. We'll keep Nevada because we need somewhere to dump our nuclear waste. heh heh LOL.... .......and on the return, empties can be used to bring out all the boxers and briefs that need to be un-knotted..... ...and hoppers full of shoulder chips.....
QUOTE: Originally posted by dharmon QUOTE: Originally posted by ajmiller QUOTE: Originally posted by SP9033 Let's allow Texas and GW Bu***o leave the Union. I'd like California and Massachusetts to secede. We'll keep Nevada because we need somewhere to dump our nuclear waste. heh heh LOL.... .......and on the return, empties can be used to bring out all the boxers and briefs that need to be un-knotted.....
QUOTE: Originally posted by ajmiller QUOTE: Originally posted by SP9033 Let's allow Texas and GW Bu***o leave the Union. I'd like California and Massachusetts to secede. We'll keep Nevada because we need somewhere to dump our nuclear waste.
QUOTE: Originally posted by SP9033 Let's allow Texas and GW Bu***o leave the Union.
QUOTE: Originally posted by mehrlich You've never met me. I don't have a big ego and I'm surely not a cowboy, don't own any boots. We're not all like George Bush either. Take a chill pill. m
QUOTE: Originally posted by cherokee woman [#ditto] and AMEN, brother!!
QUOTE: Originally posted by canazar Wow, didnt realise smoking was allowed in this forum. (some serious flamin) Well, if someone wants to post B.S. not much you can do about it. Except, just scroll down. Two reasons I come here is to learn and be entertain. The education part is pretty self explaining. This forum is full of info both prototype and modeling (which is were I usually lurk) info. But the entertaining factor is good too. A good write up on a trip, or a great "Shoulda been there story". But also sometimes people make a dork of themselves and that cracks me up too. KInda like watchign Jerry Springer. Watchin these messed up folks is sad waste of time, but, upside, it makes you feel better about your family when you realise that they arent that bad after all. John k
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