Montana fights back against BNSF

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Posted by rich747us on Saturday, March 5, 2005 4:50 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by greyhounds

OK, one lone legislator introducing a bill and issuing a press release about that introduction does not, in anyway, represent action on part of the State of Montana.

If this does go through, and withstands the court challenge, we can kiss the railroad companys good by. Every state legislature will attempt to do the same thing. Money will leave the railroads and we'll be back to 1972 in the Northeast on a national basis.

And no, open access is not the answer. A railroad is not a highway - the economics are different.

Why does the government always pick on successful businesses (especially the democrats, like in this case)?!
When there's a tie at the crossing.....YOU LOOSE! STOP, LOOK, LISTEN, AND LIVE! GOD BLESS CONRAIL!</font id="blue"> 1976-1999 (R.I.P.)
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Posted by MichaelSol on Saturday, March 5, 2005 4:15 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by greyhounds

If this does go through, and withstands the court challenge, we can kiss the railroad companys good by. Every state legislature will attempt to do the same thing. Money will leave the railroads and we'll be back to 1972 in the Northeast on a national basis.

This is the same argument that some used to oppose the original enactment of the Interstate Commerce Act, 119 years ago. Among other things, the ICC was originally created to abolish discrminatory rates.

Given the opportunity to reinstitute discriminatory rates against helpless customers, Railroads have done so with a vengence.

One role of governmemt is to provide equal opportunity for economic gain and to prevent economic discrimination.

Taxation is frequently used to implement governmental policy regarding social good.

Best regards, Michael Sol
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Posted by andrewjonathon on Saturday, March 5, 2005 3:45 PM
If it is true that shipping rates are 50% in Montana than other states then I can certainly understand the frustration that Montana farmers must feel.
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Posted by greyhounds on Saturday, March 5, 2005 2:16 PM
OK, one lone legislator introducing a bill and issuing a press release about that introduction does not, in anyway, represent action on part of the State of Montana.

If this does go through, and withstands the court challenge, we can kiss the railroad companys good by. Every state legislature will attempt to do the same thing. Money will leave the railroads and we'll be back to 1972 in the Northeast on a national basis.

And no, open access is not the answer. A railroad is not a highway - the economics are different.
"By many measures, the U.S. freight rail system is the safest, most efficient and cost effective in the world." - Federal Railroad Administration, October, 2009. I'm just your average, everyday, uncivilized howling "anti-government" critic of mass government expenditures for "High Speed Rail" in the US. And I'm gosh darn proud of that.
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Montana fights back against BNSF
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, March 5, 2005 1:22 PM

It's about time the state did something other than bending over.

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