New Jersey State Rail Plan

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New Jersey State Rail Plan
Posted by CalRail on Sunday, June 23, 2024 8:29 PM

For those of you who may be interested.


Seeking Public Comments on the New Jersey State Rail Plan Update 


NJ TRANSIT and New Jersey Department of Transportation have completed a draft of the New Jersey State Rail Plan Update. New Jersey’s important rail network includes about 1,000  miles of freight operations and 600 route miles of passenger operations. The rail system provides access to the state’s industries, ports, and economic centers for both goods and people. 

The purpose of the plan update is to:


  • Develop New Jersey’s 20-year vision, goals and objectives for freight and passenger rail service
  • Offer an opportunity for stakeholders and the public to provide input to the future of rail in the state
  • Identify rail service, infrastructure and policy needs
  • Provide a road map for improving/expanding rail service and rail safety
  • Provide an education in rail transportation
  • Coordinate with rail planning in neighboring states
  • Meet the state rail plan requirement in the 2008 Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act

The plan is available at


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