Ludlow, Kentucky (10/7/20)

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Ludlow, Kentucky (10/7/20)
Posted by chatanuga on Saturday, October 10, 2020 12:14 AM

A southbound mixed freight rolls past the railfanning platform.  The mom and her daughter heard off screen were there to see their dad/husband, who was the engineer on the train.

A northbound mixed freight eases past the platform and over the Ohio River into Cincinnati.

A pair of locomotives roll northbound past the platform and into Cincinnati.  A little over an hour earlier when I'd arrived at the platform, they were heading south.

A southbound local freight heads past the platform.

A northbound intermodal eases past, stopping for a little over 20 minutes to wait for clearance into the yards on the other side of the Ohio River in Cincinnati.  Unfortunately, while it was stopped, the guy mowing the yard for the police department's building decided to start up a leaf blower, making sure every leaf and speck of cut grass was blown off the sidewalks and pavement.  My head was literally throbbing afterwards from the sound.

A northbound mixed freight rolls past.

A northbound train of gondolas with Norfolk Southern's Lackawanna heritage unit in the consist rolls past.

A southbound mixed freight rolls past with one of Norfolk Southern's special paint schemes in the consist.

A southbound grain train, lead by Norfolk Southern's Lehigh Valley heritage unit, rolls past.

A northbound mixed freight eases past and over the Ohio River into Cincinnati.

A northbound mixed freight eases past and over the Ohio River into Cincinnati.


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