Good photo spots on the BNSF Emporia and LaJunta subs between Kansas City and Dodge City?

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Good photo spots on the BNSF Emporia and LaJunta subs between Kansas City and Dodge City?
Posted by IbanezGuiness on Thursday, September 6, 2018 9:00 PM

Next month I'm going to be traveling from Jefferson City Missouri to Kenton Oklahoma, once I leave Kansas City I'll be traveling somewhat along the BNSF Emporia Sub the the LaJunta sub until I hit Dodge City. I'll have some free time and I'd like to do some rail photograhy as I travel to and from.


I'm going to be pulling a small camper so I can't get too crazy on back roads or anything, but I'd like to know if anyone has some suggestions on a good photo spot along this route so I can plan to spend the time I have in a good spot and not trial and error looking for a good spot. 



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