New Intermodal Terminal For Cedar Rapids, IA!!!

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Posted by dakotafred on Sunday, July 10, 2016 5:04 PM

If we had it to do today:   Assist with construction of (some of) the transcontinental, and other, railroads? Build the interstate highway system? Land the first men on the moon? Not a snowball's chance.   As for overhauling the nation's crumbling infrastructure, including water and sewer mains? Forget about it.


Sad.  So out of the desire of many to not pay one penny for public infrastructure projects, we will watch the crumbling decline of the US? 


New taxes not needed, but smarter use of the federal money we've got.
We dribble it away on far too many public infrastructure projects such as Cedar Rapids', which could be done very well with local resources, if it is so worthwhile. And not just every state but every subdivision is standing in the beggars' line with some such request of Uncle Sam, wanting (and usually getting) its "share."
Little wonder there's nothing left for Big Picture projects.

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