Incest? Or just musical chairs?

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Incest? Or just musical chairs?
Posted by thirdrail1 on Thursday, March 7, 2002 7:43 PM
I see George Warrington has left Amtrak to become Executive Director of NJ Transit, from whence he came. Funny, it was just a couple of months ago that the Executive Director of NJ Transit, who was out of a job with the change in politcal administrations, became President of the Northeast Corridor of Amtrak, George Warrington's post before he headed up the whole shebang. Expletive deleted, can't Amtrak or NJT find ANY new blood??? Running the 5:20 to Morris Plains ain't the same as running the "Sunset Limited", folks.
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Posted by RudyRockvilleMD on Thursday, March 7, 2002 8:58 PM
It's too early to tell who will be the next Amtrak president assuming Amtrak exists. The fact that George Warrington left, and several top Amtrak managers left before he did, makes me wonder if they don't know that Amtrak may not survive given the FY 2003 predicted budget deficit.
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, March 15, 2002 4:24 AM
It is incest but Amtrack is a sick joke anyway. I hope Congress does its first ever wise thing and puts Amtrack out of our misery!

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