chicagorails since all coal power plants will be shut down in 1 to 2 years from now that's 5000)[0 - 1000000 carloads less a week rrs haul. where will rrs get business to replace ? and panama canal to open will be more loose rev. for west rrs. big revenue losses coming.
Where did you get this information? Even the Obama admin says they expect coal to provide 31% of the electricity in the US by 2030 (source EPA administrator interviews on 6/3/2014).
Dave H. Painted side goes up. My website :
The same rationale for banning coal also applies to oil. It also applies to export coal because it is based on the objection to coal, period. And it also applies to export coal because domestic coal mining is necessary for export coal; and there is strong objection to domestic coal mining.
But banning coal is just the tip of the iceberg. What will replace the American Dream?
ndbprrHigher electricity prices
Don't forget all the export coal. Some people here may think it's bad but others'll buy all they can get.
(And not all the coal plants will be shutting down.)
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