#22 out of San Antonio

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#22 out of San Antonio
Posted by Deggesty on Friday, April 25, 2014 5:56 PM

Some time back, there was quite a discussion about how Amtrak #22 (Texas Eagle) leaves San Antonio. Yesterday, when I left Alamo City, we backed as far as Tower 112--and then headed north on Track 2, which was the Katy's line. I asked one of the conductors if he knew where we would cross over (so we could stop in San Marcos, for the station is on the former IGN), and he told me it could be at any one of three points--CP Q237 (Ogden), CP Q227 (near New Braunfels), or CP Q212 (UP Junction). We did cross over at CP 212--which is just below San Marcos (MP 209.7).


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