WSOR 4007 Horn Type?

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WSOR 4007 Horn Type?
Posted by railroadradioman on Saturday, May 18, 2013 4:39 PM

Hey Folks

I have an interest in train horns and own about 5 of them. They include:

P5 (Old Cast Missabe)

UP Version of an K5LLA 

Amtrak K5LA


K3LA commonly on SD70MAC's and SD70M's

I am trying to increase my collection. I bought all 5 within the last 2 months as my friend introduced me into "hornfanning". I am constantly looking for nicely sounding horns. Here I found a really nice horn. I am thinking it's a Leslie of some sort. I could very well be. BTW, if your looking for a video of the locomotive, I found (I don't take credit for any video footage). I have 2 horn sounds off this engine. Back earlier 3-5 years ago it sound epic. Now it sounds pretty bad. 

Old sound (good sound):

Another good sound video:

New sound (horrible sound):

I like the old sound a ton better and I would love to have that kinda horn in my collection

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