I personally have no knowledge or information regarding that subject. There are others here who are more familiar with European matters, and so may be able to help you.
However, I can recommend that you check out the website and print editons of the International Railway Journal, at - http://www.railjournal.com/
In the meantime, there's also a very long-running thread here on British Railway Operations, currently up to Page 126, at - http://cs.trains.com/trccs/forums/t/41892.aspx?PageIndex=126 Although I don't follow it, it may have or lead to information of the sort that you're wanting.
Hope this is helpful. Good luck with it.
- Paul North.
Hi, Nick -
Glad I could be of some help. I too am a civil engineer - now almost 35 years after graduation, though - and financing of rail infrastructure projects here is a major interest of mine. Unfortunately, I believe that knowledge is not transferable across the 'pond'. Nevertheless, I'd be interested in seeing what you turn up.
I loosely know or believe that there have been several rounds of privatisation and consolidation, recriminations, seconds thoughts, and at least some partial undoing of same - some of which involved Ed Burkhart of the Wisconsin Central from over here, and his English, Wales, and Scotland Rwy. if I remember correctly, so the time frame may also affect how it was done.
In another thread here - Railroad Bridge Failures - was a link to an excellent report on the failure of an ancient bridge failure over there:
The British Department for Transport's Rail Accident Investigation Branch ''Report 02/2010 - February 2010 - Derailment of a freight train near Stewarton, Ayrshire - 27 January 2009",© Crown copyright 2010, 94 pages (approx. 6.87 MB in size), at -
By way of background, the line - owned by Network Rail - was undergoing a major rehabilitation and upgrading - re-installing the 2nd track, which had been removed some years before, by Jarvis Rail Ltd. - so a replacement bridge was at hand and quickly installed. Not the wreck itself, but that improvements project might lead to something of interest to you, which is why I mention it here. See paras. 21 and 23 on Page 9 of 94.
Again, glad to be of some help, and good luck.
Nick here is a place to start with the Funding for the Crossrail project.
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