Coming home from taking my mom shopping(the wife was waiting for the pizza delivery-me)noticed new locos at the station.Finally got close enough to take some pics with my digital camera(I still have to lerna how to post)They were brand new GE's with spainish notes.The strange thing I haven' t seen till now was the 4 axle trucks(looked narrow gauge) on flat cars behind the 12 locos. They were green and yellow with 'VALE' on the cabs.The locos were on 3 axle trucks.A couple a weeks ago I got pics of the 10 GE's on flat cars for 'MRS' and the transformer car and the Cat grader in one train.Bob
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The notes are actually Portuguese, not Spanish. VALE is short for Companhia Vale do Rio Doce, Brazil's major iron and steel producer. The locomotives are meter-gauge for EF Vitoria a Minas, A Vale subsidiary. MRS is MRS Logistica, which operates a broad-gauge system.
Actually, the name 'Vale' spelled on those locos is Portuguese,and yes, they're narrow gauge, metre gauge to be precise. All of it are to be exported to Brasil's 'Companhia Vale do Rio Doce': Vale needs to have them with 4 axle trucks, because curves in some sections of the line are really tight. I don't know, but I guess one can call it DD44Emis. The most probable assignment to hese units will be huge ore and steel trains on the Belo Horizonte to Vitoria 400 mile main line. Despite being narrow gauge, a wealth of up to date 132 Pound rails and concrete sleepers are use in this heavy trafficked route, with at least one section getting triple track, kinda Narrow Gauge UP. Ah and these units, as should be expected, have already the new scheme of the company.
This line also spots one of the very very few long distance passenger trains in Brasil, a daily train each way wich really is a behemoth, carrying some 20 to 22 cars.
Just to show a little bit of what Vale is, some videos.
Their passenger trains
Here's a few more links:
CVRD/EFVM in new colors:
CVRD/EFVM in older colors:
ALL, another Brazilian carrier:
MRS Logistica:
CVRD/EFC (broad-gauge):
Thanks guys for the info.The home computer has been having problems and staying connected(can't get DSL).I'll try CNW6000 your formula.The new paint scheme was the green with the floating colors around the middle.The fuel tanks were small compared to what I'm used too,I guess for the 4 axle trucks. Bob
I did not know Lionel made large scale trains.
That engine had articulates trucks.
Okay is it just me or is that a hell of a long passanger train?
The articulated trucks where pretty cool though.
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