How many trains through Marietta GA

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How many trains through Marietta GA
Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, July 29, 2001 2:23 PM
How do I find out how many trains run through Marietta, GA. I know that this is one of CSX's busy corridors. (recently double tracked) We are considering locating a business near the line and wonder how the traffic would affect us and our clients. It would be great to know train frequency at various times and days.
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Posted by thirdrail1 on Monday, July 30, 2001 9:18 AM
Suggest you contact CSXT's Public Relations Department through its website, explain to them what you want and why and I'll bet they will get right back to you.
"The public be ***ed, it's the Pennsylvania Railroad I'm competing with." - W.K.Vanderbilt

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