Antique Ticket Photographs

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Antique Ticket Photographs
Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, July 21, 2001 8:22 PM
I am hoping that someone can point me in the right direction.

My wife and I own a travel agency in Oklahoma City. We are working with the Oklahoma Department of Transportation to arrange train travel to the Oklahoma - Texas football game for this year. It will be the first time a passenger train has made this run in probably 35 years or more. I was given the duty of designing the tickets for this event. The concept was to make the ticket a souvenier and to design it with some nostalgia in mind.

Here's the problem: I can't find anyone that knows where I might find a picture of a ticket for the OKC - Dallas run from that era. I also think that a train schedule from OKC to Dallas might work (depends on the pictorials on the schedule) Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance for your assistance,
Jim Hughes

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