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Continental European Railway Operations
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<P>Hi</P> <P>Sadly I havn't been able to get back to this forum for a week or so.No doubt you will have heard about the <STRONG>Stern Report.</STRONG> On this side of the pond, most folks seem to be smiling. Tell them that the world is on the verge of climatic collapse, and no one takes any notice.Mention that if we don't stop using cars(automobiles) or heavy goods vehicles starting to decline now,with economic consequences as bad as the 1929 Wall Street Crash, then all hell breaks loose. So on my home UK site, there has been a lot going on.</P> <P>We are wondering how the Govt.will act, if at all, but more importantly the Civil Servants in the Dept. of Transport.The politicians think they run the country, but we all know, except them, that it is the full time guys who are usually sqeezing the Railway of cash, and also the assumption by my friends over here, that they are all barking mad or totally ignorent.</P> <P>One of my friends is a driver (engineer), and had the misfortune to have a load of DfT top advisors in his cab.They were standing at a station, awaiting departure, and when the signals turned from red to green, this expert asked. " What does that funny light do ". As they were being directed to a slow line which is usually indicated by a row or rows of left or right facing or both white lights, fixed on top of the main signal, unlit if straight on, illuminated if the train is to be moved to a different track, the driver assumed that, it was just about possible, that this expert had not previously seen these <STRONG>Route Indicators</STRONG>.No says the guy, the one that went from red to green. God help us!</P> <P>Have you tried the Railion web site, and also Stinnes, both German freight sites. You seem to have found most of the others, like Hupac.The trouble is new operators are springing up all the time, going bust, setting up subsiduaries, mergers, etc.I will try to get the most up to date I can and post. By the way have a look at the <STRONG>Mora C </STRONG>site. This is the name DB has given to the scheme to make wagonload traffic, which still acconts for about 40% of trafficin Germany more efficient. UK of course got out of this some years ago, concentrating only on Trainload and Intermodal. It's back now since privatasation, and doing OK.</P> <P>Finally, glancing through some of the posts on the Betuwe Route, mention was made of double stack. This is the asparation of the proposed Central Freight Railway, a new line from Liverpool, around London, next to the Orbital M25 motorway, and then to the Channel Tunnel. Personally, I think it is a non starter, as many European countries, struggle with 9'6" boxes, not just the UK.The wagons used are either well wagons, with a floor 330mm above rail (The UIC standard) or "megafret" low deck, and small wheels, not like the tiny ones on the Rollende Landstrasse, about 730mm, with a deck height of 845 mm, which gets through the structure gauge of most main lines.Both types have a max. speed of 120kph.</P> <P>Take care folks,</P> <P>Andy.</P>
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