You might be a railfan if.........................

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You might be a railfan if.........................
Posted by bnsfkline on Sunday, October 26, 2003 1:24 PM
You know you're a railfan when:

1. You shop for a house by the tracks instead of away from them!
2. When planning your next vacation, you choose your travel route based upon the location of active railroads and railroad museums.
3. When you blow your horn two longs, a short, and a long through every intersection.
4. Speaking of intersections, you call the signals as you go through them.
5. You call zoning to ask if you can use a boxcar for a shed.
6. You wonder why automobiles don't come equipped with couplers.
7. While engaged in intimate relations, you suddenly find yourself mentally debating the relative merits of Shay vs. rod engines.
8. Your wife tells you her water burst, and your first reaction is, "My God, her boiler will be ruined!"
9. When you wire up the fog lamps to flash alternately when you blow the horn
10. When being served dinner, you say, "Easy, easy, that'll do!" as you've gotten enough.
11. When riding with someone who's backing into a parking space, you say, "two cars, one car, that'll do."
12. When you get a shopping cart with a bad wheel, you tag it and set it aside for the shops to repair, or park it in an aisle and put up a blue flag in front of and behind it.
13. You curse the dispatcher when you're held up in traffic.
14. You're test driving a hot V6 and think, "This thing can really move in notch 8."
15. While driving your car, you put your arm on the window sill and wave your hand and blow your horn to all kids standing on the street.
16. Your wife opens her wallet to show the relatives photos of the children while you open your wallet to show them your latest rail photos from last weeks fan trip.
17. You install a pedal operated bell in your car and ring it while driving across railroad crossings.
18. You open your refrigerator door only to find it full of film for the next fan trip.
19. You find yourself looking for old locomotives and color schemes during the obligatory chase scene through the rail yards when you're watching old cop shows and movies on TV.
20. The efforts of Hollywood to re-create an earlier era using trains is met with your derisive snort, "They didn't have GP40-2's in 1970! Can't they get it right?"
21. You're on Amtrak, you find out that the guy across the isle is a railfan, and your wives look at each other, roll their eyes and sigh.
22. You're in your car and you come up to a railroad crossing. The crossing lights are not flashing and no trains are coming, but you slow to a crawl and look up the track both ways in hope of seeing a train.
23. You are on a rail facility tour and start talking to one of the mechanics on the shop floor only to find out that you know more than he does.
24. You rent certain movies at the video store because you know there is a very cool train scene in it.
25. You refuse to cross the tracks until your favorite train has passed by.
26. You barbeque using tie butts, for that special flavor!
27. You tell your wife you are going down to the corner bar to have a few drinks with the guys, however, you go to your favorite train watching spot to take a few photos.
28. You are on a highway overpass, at 60 mph you suddenly shout," that's the Seaboard down there!", and you can't believe the others in the car didn't recognize it by the color of the ballast.
29. You tell your wife you would like take a nice ride to look at scenery, her interpretation being, “guess I'll take some magazines to look at while he looks at the scenery in the rail yard."
30. You can't understand why everyone else doesn't understand what” approach diverging" means.
31. It would not be to your advantage for the railroad police to come to your house and look around.
32. You get tired of explaining to people that you are not a fireman because you have a radio.
33. Your relatives only think of you when they see a train.
34. When you are out by the tracks with another railfan people ask, "is the train coming?"
35. You get irritated whenever a train wrecks because nonrailfans "invade" your special train watching spots.
36. You don't like imitation railfans who wear railroad patches all over their clothing.
37. The train crews know you by first name.
38. When you're driving, you make "shooooo" sounds when you step on the brake, and "choooo" sounds when you take your foot off of it, imitating air brakes. (I think cement truck drivers do this too. 8-D) )
39. At your house by the tracks you get some of the crews trained to blow the crossing alert to let you know they are going by, even though there is no crossing there.
40. You date your girlfriend because the view out the front window of her apartment is your favorite railroads mainline.
41. You latter marry this woman knowing that she will understand you and won't mind that house by the tracks.
42. You build your 1 year old a jungle gym / fort in the backyard so they can play on it when you really intend to use it to get a better view of the trains over the back fence.
43. You size said fort large enough so that you and three of your friends have sufficient room to watch the trains.
44. When the lights are activated at the railroad crossing you race to be first in line, so you get an unobstructed view, then at double track crossings wait a little while after they go up in hopes that another train is coming the other way.
45. When you see a nice looking woman (or man, for the few female railfans you say something to your friends like "Look at that carbody!!!"
46. When you pass gas, you say something like, "80 pounds on the rear!"
47. You make engine sounds walking up the stairs, pretending you are on a grade.
48. You are on a date and pass by some tracks and in the process of rattling off everything you know, you realize she doesn't care!
49. You come back from a long distance railfan adventure and the very next day go out and shoot one of your local lines.
50. You are at a grade crossing and you jump out of your car because a train is coming so you can get a shot.
51.when watching the trains go by, instead of counting the cars, you look and see what train cars have railroad liveries from fallen flags are still floating around from railroads you know don't exist anymore.
52.when watching a train go by you log the sighting in a little notebook it as if it were an hourly weather report. talk in "railroad", and most people you are crazy when you talk to them. they say," again, slowly, in English!" turn your house into a replica of a train station. know the numbering system for your favorite railroads. locomotives, and what type they are...better than the dispatcher at the local yard.
56. you may say when someone "looses their train of thought" instead you say "He derailed his train of thought."
You know you're a railfan when you constantly complain about the lack of cabooses on trains.
You know you're a railfan when you can identify a locomotive as to it's manufacturer, model, phase, variation, year of manufacture, engine type, and horsepower, and all the engineer knows is that it's a "locomotive".
You know you're a railfan when you tell your wife that "a train just went by, I can see it's tracks" every time you cross one.
You know you're a railfan when you can find the rail yards in another town within 5 minutes of getting off the interstate/Higway/tollway, etc.
your rolling stock and loco roster on your train layout exceeds that of a regional shortline.
you have more trains and model railroader magazines than playboys
your train layout is so large, train dispatching is necessary and people scan your frequencies and railfan along YOUR mainline, but you can't see them.
your home movies collection consists of train runbys you shot.
You paint your vehicle in a railroad livery, number it, and attach a kl5a to the top your car, and then blow it every time you come to a rr crossing confusing motorists behind you.
you could fix a severe mechanical problem in an SD70MAC but can't change the oil in your car.
you know more numbers of train locomotives than addresses...and often confuse the two.
your idea of the "local hangout" is the rail yard, and you invite friends with you to watch trains.
you think railfanning is actually a spectator sport
Jim Tiroch RIP Saveria DiBlasi - My First True Love and a Great Railfanning Companion Saveria Danielle DiBlasi Feb 5th, 1986 - Nov 4th, 2008 Check em out! My photos that is: and ALS2001 Productions
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Posted by JoeKoh on Sunday, October 26, 2003 3:46 PM
I plead the fith on some of the specifications listed above.(in otherwords guilty as charged).
stay safe

Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, October 26, 2003 4:26 PM
And I thought I had a problem. [:D] You my friend are obcessed!!!!!!!!! [:0][:D][8D]
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Posted by Trainnut484 on Sunday, October 26, 2003 4:41 PM
I find myself guilty of #'s 19 and 20. The old tv show "The Fugitive" has some great shots of Kimble running through the yards, including a running-straight-to-the-camera shot of a Santa Fe PA.

Take care[:)]

All the Way!
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Posted by Trainnut484 on Sunday, October 26, 2003 4:43 PM
For those that are modelers, there is a similar topic in the Model Railroader forum.."You might be a Model Railroader if........"

Take care[:)]

All the Way!
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Posted by Modelcar on Sunday, October 26, 2003 8:50 PM
....Yea, I've done some of that stuff....


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Posted by JoeKoh on Sunday, October 26, 2003 11:37 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by drailed1999

And I thought I had a problem. [:D] You my friend are obcessed!!!!!!!!! [:0][:D][8D]

is it not the ultimate compliment when a friend comes over and says"and my wife says I have too many trains!"[:)]
stay safe

Deshler Ohio-crossroads of the B&O Matt eats your fries.YUM! Clinton st viaduct undefeated against too tall trucks!!!(voted to be called the "Clinton St. can opener").


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Posted by yellowducky on Monday, October 27, 2003 12:42 AM
my wife has called trains the "other woman". she says it's not fair, she didn't know about "her" when she married me!
FDM TRAIN up a child in the way he should go...Proverbs22:6 Garrett, home of The Garrett Railroaders, and other crazy people. The 5 basic food groups are: candy, poptarts, chocolate, pie, and filled donuts !
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, October 27, 2003 11:48 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Trainnut484

I find myself guilty of #'s 19 and 20. The old tv show "The Fugitive" has some great shots of Kimble running through the yards, including a running-straight-to-the-camera shot of a Santa Fe PA.

Take care[:)]


I too am probably one of the biggest nitpickers when it comes to trains on TV/movies. Incidentally, the introduction of The Fugitive has a scene which is supposed to be of a train derailing, but is actually a Lionel train coming off the tracks, you can even read "Lionel Lines" on it.

I can think of a couple of bad trains scenes on TV. I once saw a movie (can't really remember the title or what it was about) that took place in the 50's and featured a BN train. Also, in an episode of Hogan's Heroes (which incidentally is one of my favorite shows) there was a scene of an SP GS-4 northern that was supposed to represent a German train. Things like this can just wreck watching television.

I can relate to points one and two. I'm not looking for a house yet, but when I do I'll be looking for one by the tracks. As for #2, when my family goes on a vacation I always make sure we see all the railroad museums that we can. When we come back and get all the pictures developed, there's more pictures of trains than anything else.

I actually did see all these points on the internet once before.
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Posted by Anonymous on Monday, October 27, 2003 2:18 PM
Ever seen "The Recruit?" There's a scene with a chase through Washington's station.....and you see Acela.....but then the chase goes into a basement area.....where for some reason a bunch of VIA Rail RDCs are parked there.

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Posted by zardoz on Monday, October 27, 2003 7:37 PM
I too am probably one of the biggest nitpickers when it comes to trains on TV/movies. Incidentally, the introduction of The Fugitive has a scene which is supposed to be of a train derailing, but is actually a Lionel train coming off the tracks, you can even read "Lionel Lines" on it.

I can think of a couple of bad trains scenes on TV. I once saw a movie (can't really remember the title or what it was about) that took place in the 50's and featured a BN train. Also, in an episode of Hogan's Heroes (which incidentally is one of my favorite shows) there was a scene of an SP GS-4 northern that was supposed to represent a German train. Things like this can just wreck watching television.

Quote from Sask_tinplater

How about when Steven Segal 'outran' the wreck at the end of "Dark Territory"?

What I get from the innacuracies of railroad stuff in movies is the idea that all professions are depicted innacurately.
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Posted by Trainnut484 on Monday, October 27, 2003 10:33 PM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Sask_Tinplater

QUOTE: Originally posted by Trainnut484

I find myself guilty of #'s 19 and 20. The old tv show "The Fugitive" has some great shots of Kimble running through the yards, including a running-straight-to-the-camera shot of a Santa Fe PA.

Take care[:)]


I too am probably one of the biggest nitpickers when it comes to trains on TV/movies. Incidentally, the introduction of The Fugitive has a scene which is supposed to be of a train derailing, but is actually a Lionel train coming off the tracks, you can even read "Lionel Lines" on it.

I can think of a couple of bad trains scenes on TV. I once saw a movie (can't really remember the title or what it was about) that took place in the 50's and featured a BN train. Also, in an episode of Hogan's Heroes (which incidentally is one of my favorite shows) there was a scene of an SP GS-4 northern that was supposed to represent a German train. Things like this can just wreck watching television.

I can relate to points one and two. I'm not looking for a house yet, but when I do I'll be looking for one by the tracks. As for #2, when my family goes on a vacation I always make sure we see all the railroad museums that we can. When we come back and get all the pictures developed, there's more pictures of trains than anything else.

I actually did see all these points on the internet once before.

It is easy to tell the derailment shot in the opening sequence of "The Fugitive" was from models. The movie version starring Harrison Ford had a great shot of the train hitting the prison bus and chasing Kimble down the tracks. Trains magazine ran a story on the locomotives used for the scenes. I can't remember the exact issue. CRS is kicking in. LOL

Take care[:)]

All the Way!
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Posted by adrianspeeder on Tuesday, October 28, 2003 6:23 PM
I always say "my train of thought derailed at the station".
Great topic, lets think of some more


USAF TSgt C-17 Aircraft Maintenance Flying Crew Chief & Flightline Avionics Craftsman

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Posted by Anonymous on Tuesday, October 28, 2003 6:32 PM
I can think of some other train scenes in movies/TV that make me cringe.

One of the worst I've heard about was a movie called "The Ghost Train" from 1941, and while I've never seen it, I don't think I want to. Apparently there's a sequence that's supposed to represent a short train joruney and includes scenes of a train leaving a station, heading down the line and arriving at it's destination. However, there are clips of FIVE different trains shown! That's pretty bad, even if you don't know anything about railroading!

I also once watched a documentary on the Great Train Robbery in Britain back in the 60's (quite interesting to watch actually). However, for the reenactment, it showed the robbers holding up what I believe may have been a GP40 (it was at night, so it was hard to tell).
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Posted by Mikeygaw on Tuesday, October 28, 2003 10:35 PM
not sure of the title of the movie... "Battle of the Bulge" i think... i know it was about the battle of the bulge... when they have the steam engine run (for like five minutes in the uncut version), enter a tunnel, and get blown up by a tank on the tracks at the end of the tunnel. there are some points you can tell that's is a model train.
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, October 29, 2003 11:57 AM
QUOTE: Originally posted by Mikeygaw

not sure of the title of the movie... "Battle of the Bulge" i think... i know it was about the battle of the bulge... when they have the steam engine run (for like five minutes in the uncut version), enter a tunnel, and get blown up by a tank on the tracks at the end of the tunnel. there are some points you can tell that's is a model train.

Well, that's still much better than actually wrecking a real train. In some cases a model train can be very convincing. In the 1986 movie, "Tough Guys", near the end of the film SP Daylight GS-4 4449 is supposedly run off the end the track and into the Mexican desert. There was an article in an issue of Railfan & Railroad that talked about how they did the filming and for that scene they used a live steam model. It was very real looking and could have fooled a lot of railfans.
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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, October 29, 2003 7:58 PM
Last time the cops pulled me over they asked me how fast i was going...

I looked at the spedometer and said: Eight!

So i'm guilty of that one too (14)
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Posted by Mikeygaw on Wednesday, October 29, 2003 10:43 PM
... when the wife complains that you spend more money on film for more train pictures than you do on her
... when you know the dates of railroad mergers, but never remember your anniversary
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Posted by rich747us on Tuesday, November 4, 2003 3:57 AM
HA! Guilty as charged, #23! I was once talking with a conductor from UP who worked out of Proviso. He told me I probably knew more that him, and he's been with the railroad for almost 30 years. LOL, hey anyone out there looking for a motiviated individual to help crew a train!?
When there's a tie at the crossing.....YOU LOOSE! STOP, LOOK, LISTEN, AND LIVE! GOD BLESS CONRAIL!</font id="blue"> 1976-1999 (R.I.P.)

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