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Wisconsin utility files suit against Union Pacific
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Also the coal mines in China are some of the most dangerous in the world. IMHO nuclear may not be the ultimate answer but the risk can be managed provided the public can be convinced that zero risk for any technology is unrealistic and unattainable. Global warming is a risk as well. Biofuels may trade one economic problem for another - much higher food prices. I've also been told that the stale beer smell coming out the back of alcohol fueled Indy cars and dragsters is formaldahyde. What are the long term health effects of breathing that in a rush hour traffic jam? Solar should be excellent for peak cooling loads since those generally occur when the sun is out, but I've yet to hear any of the new science guys say how they can come even close to generating the 24/7/365 base electrical load for the U.S. anytime soon. And if they do have the answers, why have China develop into another hydrocarbon-based economy like the U.S.? <br /> <br />I remember quite well the late 50s & 60s when fishing or hunting meant a trip to the northwoods of Wisconsin, Minnesota, or Canada. Today one can catch largemouth bass in the Chicago River under the Michigan Ave bridge. The Great Lakes, which were virtual dead seas, now support reproducing species of numerous game fish and the area has more ducks and geese than people know what to do with. I'm not saying the large number of nukes we have in northern Illinois are soley responsible, but they have been a safe reliable source of clean power we've lived with for years. If spent fuel rods can be 95% recycled, that would go a long way towards solving one of nuclear's toughest issues.
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