point of view

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Posted by Mookie on Thursday, May 29, 2003 6:05 AM
Well gee, Brakie - why aren't you a judge or a politician! You have some common sense and would like to see people be responsible for their actions! Guess I answered my own question. People like us can't be judges or politicians just for those reasons. Is this dripping with irony or what!

Right on!!!


She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw

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Posted by Mookie on Thursday, May 29, 2003 6:06 AM
Soo - I am getting bad eyesight from reading the forum - they better watch out!


She who has no signature! cinscocom-tmw

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, May 29, 2003 8:58 AM
"There is NOBODY holding a gun to train crews heads makeing you even move through a blind crossing. Don't do it. Follow the SAFETY rules---plain and simple"

Recognize this Quote..?
its from our over intelligent friend missouri..
take a look at...(5/27/03 12:45 AM)

I owe you a big thanks man, the next time i go through the Ile-perrot crossing, because it's badly cleared i'm going to stop my train, get up.. and say.. "I'm not moving this train until someone clears the crossings!.." With their goat or whatever you suggested... GREAT idea.. so i'll stay on the main line, Jam up the crossing... Make the freight train thats about 5 blocks behind me get a red light as soon as he approaches.. Your such a smart guy why didn't i Ever think of soemthing like that??

Oh wait.. i know why... Cuz it's the most Stupid, idiotic, Nugatory.. utterly Feckless comment that has ever come out of your mouth to date, as a matter of fact i'd recomend you to attend the international dumb *** awards,your up for several awards there buddy. it's being held next year.. Feb. 31st, 2004 in Dallas, florida.

Not want to move a train because of a uncleared crossing.. SORRY! i have to get from point A to B on time. If you have any other dumb comments.. you might want to refrain from saying them.

shut up, AGAIN!

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, May 29, 2003 9:11 AM
Any info yet on your "accident". We are fighting in a way. Fighting for the CHANCE for everyone regardless of handicap or experience to have EVERY opportunity to cross a grade crossing safely. Do you really think it reasonable care to HAVE TO get our of your vehicle to see a train, when the railroad COULD provide you with the REQUIRED sight distance given the conditions. Reasonable care applies to BOTH parties
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, May 29, 2003 9:16 AM
Exactly!!! If there is such a great concern from the industry then STOP the TRAINS until something is done. REFUSE to cross a blind crossing!!! That would certianly stir up the management as there precious bottom line quickly dwindles away as freight sits idle and trains start stacking up. I propose that when an accident does occur, that a proper and thorough investigation is COMPLETED prior to releasing the crew and train. 5 or 6 hours of investigation would do wonders for the sheduling of the trains. Maybe it would wake them up!!!! Shareholders would certianly raise a stink!!!
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, May 29, 2003 10:22 AM
There you go Kev--Block the tracks for about a week and that crossing will get cleared. Whatever it takes.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, May 29, 2003 11:59 AM
Yeah.. then...hmmm... traffic will be backed up from here to the border....I will most likely loose my job.. which hmm i don't want too??

oh and if you couldn't tell, my previous statement was dripiing with sarcasim, i wans't actually GOING to do it..

don't let a young person like me put you in your place again

you crackhead

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, May 29, 2003 12:02 PM
You said it best, I have to get from point A to point B. The faster the better huh!! More money for you and the railroad. I just wonder what would happen if you refused to move a train until someone came out and cleared vegetation for YOU and the driver. Probably get fired huh!!!
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, May 29, 2003 1:44 PM
You got it, *** - i would lose my job if i don't move my train 30 Secondes after i come to a complete stop at a train station. maximum stop time at any station 30 secondes. Rush hour 2 minutes. thats it. i'll lose my job if i'm not moving within that time. got that Joe Blow? i can't block a crossing nor a hold up other trains behind me.. i sitll can't belive your pushing this Ludacris Statmemnt. are both of you inbred or soemthing? hold up other trains and jam the crossing.. smart one there!

Yes i would lose my job... instantly wihout even a trial of any sort.. the man would be at the yard asking me to give him my keys.

i have a schedual to keep. A to B simple as that. you got it your royal dumbness? or would you like me to spell that out in 3 letter words so you can understand?

A ------------------- TO -----------------------> B

Simple.. thers a drawing..

no time to block anyhting now is there?

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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, May 29, 2003 2:13 PM
Given your apparent pleasant personality, one must ask the question;
What are the effects of road rage on a "professional" railroad engineer?
Getting from point A to B, without so much as a thought of using the emergency brakes.
Sir you are an embarrasement to the industry.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, May 29, 2003 3:17 PM
Kev you got one of those 8" things growing out of your forehead also?

(1) Missouri statutes do not preempt Union Pacific's common law duty to exercise due care to protect the public at railroad crossings. Section 389.610.4 vests "exclusive power" over railroad crossings with the division of motor carrier and railroad safety. This provision supplements existing law and must be read with its subsection 2, which requires a railroad to "construct and maintain good and sufficient crossings." Nothing in the statute negates the common law duty.

A ------------------- TO -----------------------> B
WITHIN THE SPECIFIED TIME The state had not assumed jurisdiction over the crossing. Until the division assumes jurisdiction with respect to this particular crossing, and has made an order with respect to it, the common law duty remains. Union Pacific fails to show the division assumed such jurisdiction
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, May 29, 2003 3:22 PM
Guess I forgot to mention the SAME engineer had killed another girl at the SAME crossing. Why didn't he stop get out and look since he KNEW the sight distances were good for a 8 to 11 mph train and HE was going 47. He KNEW what the problem was because HE had allready given statements about the problem. Yet HE done nothing to make sure it NEVER happened again which if a person SHOULD stop where are the STOP signs which were STILL missing and are STILL missing.
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Posted by wabash1 on Thursday, May 29, 2003 4:42 PM
you keep calling them robber baron bosses or something like that. and only you know what that means. and how the fra is guilty, somehow i dont see the way you can make this statement when its the fra who fines the railroads for the slightest infractions. and how the railroad fix the jury. that isnt possible either being it took to lawyers to pick the jury. if you have a complaint its with your lawyer who lost your case. and not with the people who railfan or work for the railroad for a living. and it goes back to the simple statement look listen and live. but that is to simple . and i still cant believe you are on this 26 sec warning kick. get a updated book of rules and learn from it.
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Posted by wabash1 on Thursday, May 29, 2003 4:49 PM
I thought i made it clear maybe not and i am not going to reread but it is a state trooper and all city and county cops and other troopers akong the way are in on this. and it is not a short distance its 80-100 miles.
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Posted by wabash1 on Thursday, May 29, 2003 5:03 PM
missouri you realy come with off the wall junk. so to make it easy for you if i refuse to move a train then its call insobordination. and i am relieved of duty, now if i am relieved of duty means im fired and you are not paying my bills. and they will just get the next engineer off the extra board to do my job. so if cars would stop at crossings there be no reason for you to be throwing a tamptrum like a 3year old. now if you was to ask the right people if they could slow the trains down then maybe someone would listen to you. but this stuff you are trying gets no results such as me i dont care what you think if i want and the track speed is 60mph and i couldnt see 5 ft before i got to the crossing guess what i am going 60. just dont try and beat me you might get hit. but i still see you are mixing fhwa -dot-fra to make a point which is wrong. well maybe here is one for you to consider. have them raise the speed limit then when they derail you can watch them clean it up and get the weeds and brush cleared at the same time.
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, May 29, 2003 5:13 PM
Mike- i only get thsi way when i deal with people who are jsut plain Stupid. Dumb, and anyhtign else in that cateogry.

Thats great you give me soem trash about the UP, OH wait, thats true maybe i don't travel on the UP tracks. Maybe UP doesn't even exist in Canada.. Ah yes.. that most certainly could be it..

if you guessed "UP doesn't exist in Canada"
you are correct!

CP rail man... UP and CP rail aren't even related.. their rules are completely diffrent, you button head.

Do you see the light at the end of the tunnel yet.. make sure it isn't a train comming right at you.

going from A--------------to-----------B, on time too!

Emergency break? i beter have a dman good reason to pull that, i'd lose my job too if i pulled that thing without their being a valid reason. as Ed called it "flattening" the surface of the wheel, as we call it up here
"Squaring" the wheels. they'd fire me AND charge me the repairs.

all this stuff about me being a disgrace, yes mike i love you too.
Kev ;)
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Posted by Anonymous on Thursday, May 29, 2003 5:32 PM
Well at work i suggested misourri's thoughts.. i said to the group beofre we started for the day "im taking the train, stopping it at the ile perrot crossing.. and not moving it till someone clears those Dman Heges!"

They all looked at me like i was Mad..

i got comments like "your gonna stop a train, jsut to protest a few friggin leaves?"

another mike said "How does doing that deliver the protest message to the genral public?"

Josh while working on the Trian at the Delson line, said "your going to Jam Up the line and the CP Expressway behind you will ahve to stop a block away?"

after i told them i was jokign they were all relieverd..
no i hand't gone a-wall like missouri, and didn't so it.. actually i did the oposit... i went by that crossing at 80 MPH (passenger limit is 95 mph) ... i usualy go 65.. but decided to up it in Missouris favor.. i honked 12 times thoguh.. you think they heard? i didn't kill anyone, everyone up here has Look listen and live Embroidered in their skin, unlike Missouri...
what is your real name anyways? and where do you work?
What about you mike? where do you work?

Hey missouri.. i can send you the schedual... i want you anmd mike to stand beside the tracks as i'm passing by.. and just point out the leafs that should be trimmed... Just point... you know.. that leaf's to big.. this leaf.. maybe that branch.. this flower is to big.. there are one too many leaves on this branch then the legal amount specified by UP rule #678-89 section C of the Foliage growth rule.

chekc my crossing out for me.. you know... the gates came down a nanosecond too late.. or one of the lights appears to be using 99 watts of Electricity instead of 100. maybe the lights are too small for your liking... kinda like your brain

you guys can be a team.. the Dumb duo... Eat and Earn somehting liuke that.. i'll leave the name up to you..

THANKS J, i'd get fired too! can u belive that? and soemone would replace me too!!! wow what a coincidence.. it's a secret plot form the railraod companys.. quick send the ding dongs to go inviestigate..

Dun da-dun dun ..... dun da-dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnn
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Posted by sooblue on Thursday, May 29, 2003 10:47 PM
You know, I don't know anything about the accident that you are refering to. If it involved you personaly, I am truly sorry for your loss.

That said,
if this RR crossing is known to be a death trap and my wife or child had to cross it to go anywhere I'd be camped out on the door step of the mayor of the community that it was located in.
I would be the biggest pain in the butt anyone ever had to deal with. The RR that used the track would be my target as well. If I got no where with them than I would personaly stand at the crossing with signs, I would sit on a chair in the middle of the crossing and get up just in time to be missed by the train, I would leave the chair behind every time!
I would put on black cloths and paint my car black and block the crossing so it couldn't be used by anyone, I would paint the street red, I would make such a stink (at the crossing) that the nightly news would have a crew out there, and if I was arrested as soon as I got out on bail it would start again.

If there was another way to go with out using that crossing, NO ONE in my family would be allowed to cross it, period.

I would do anything BUT come here to a rail fan sight that has Zero influence over the Rail Road, or the community the crossing of death is in.

What in the sam hill can we do for you here!

Get out there >>>>> and be the same big (donkey) pain in the butt that you are here, my friend.
You know how to be it, your just pointed in the wrong direction.
Good luck on your vendetta.

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Posted by sooblue on Thursday, May 29, 2003 10:49 PM
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Posted by sooblue on Thursday, May 29, 2003 11:00 PM
You see missouri, you said it right!

>Let ME and a few dozen others around the country >show the cops what to look for.

Operation lifesaver is a good thing, it's fine that the rrs pay the tab.
But that program isn't enough! the communities involved need to do thier part too.

Just two weeks ago operation lifesaver came through town offering rides to any officials from the town. TWO people showed up. The mayor and the shariff. WELL, two is better than none.
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Posted by sooblue on Thursday, May 29, 2003 11:03 PM
Right on brother!
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Posted by sooblue on Thursday, May 29, 2003 11:12 PM
You can say *** but you can't say LLEH ?

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