Another EHH legacy may bite the dust.

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Posted by NKP guy on Saturday, June 29, 2024 2:57 PM

within short order the entire CSX system was codlocked to a relative standstill.

This codlocking (great word!) cost me & the Mrs. a Calif. Zephyr trip to San Francisco. Our train from Akron stopped outside of Willard because of yard congestion. Consequently, in a cornfield 50 miles from B.F.E., the crew outlawed. By the time we finally got to Chicago, we missed our connection on #5 with a bedroom. I explained to the Amtrak agent in CUT that giving us coach seats the next day (of course all the bedrooms & roomettes were sold) was a deal breaker; they gave us instead a free night in a nice hotel, a generous dinner allowance, and two seats on an airplane to San Francisco the next day! I'm sorry we missed the ride on #5 through the Rockies & Sierras, but we did get two extra nights in San Francisco. As Ira Gershwin once wrote, "Who could ask for anything more?"

And all because CSX, like an over-ambitious python, became codlocked.




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Posted by BaltACD on Saturday, June 29, 2024 6:06 PM

NKP guy
within short order the entire CSX system was codlocked to a relative standstill. 

This codlocking (great word!) cost me & the Mrs. a Calif. Zephyr trip to San Francisco. Our train from Akron stopped outside of Willard because of yard congestion. Consequently, in a cornfield 50 miles from B.F.E., the crew outlawed. By the time we finally got to Chicago, we missed our connection on #5 with a bedroom. I explained to the Amtrak agent in CUT that giving us coach seats the next day (of course all the bedrooms & roomettes were sold) was a deal breaker; they gave us instead a free night in a nice hotel, a generous dinner allowance, and two seats on an airplane to San Francisco the next day! I'm sorry we missed the ride on #5 through the Rockies & Sierras, but we did get two extra nights in San Francisco. As Ira Gershwin once wrote, "Who could ask for anything more?"

And all because CSX, like an over-ambitious python, became codlocked.

Your experience highlights what happens when a line segment melts down.  When trains can't, for whatever the reason (yard capacity or crew issues), trains have to be parked outside the terminal or crew change location.  With trains being parked that increases the amount of the line that has to be negotiated for trains to meet.

As a Dispatcher, YOU MUST keep one track open for the MOVEMENT of trains.  Keeping one track open can mean that 'moveable trains' may have to run 100 and in some cases MORE to get around the parked trains, for whatever reason they got parked. 

To empty out the 'parking lot' will require two crews for through trains and maybe even two crews for trains being yarded in a terminal.  To bring a through train into the crew change location requires a crew to get the train at its parked location and bring it to the crew change location where the outbound crew will move it to the next crew change/terminal location.  Depending upon the crew agreement that is in effect on any particular territory - a crew pulling in parked trains MAY if things time out right, bring in two and sometimes more trains to the crew change/terminal that is codlocked.  Digging a codlocked location out of its misery and back to a condition of fluidity is normally a long drawn out affair requiring coordination of crew availability on both sides of the crew change location.

It doesn't do any good to bring a train into a crew change location if there is not an outbound crew available to continue its movement out of the crew change location.

Never too old to have a happy childhood!


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Posted by Backshop on Saturday, June 29, 2024 8:58 PM

I didn't know that CSX ran through Egypt.Big Smile

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Posted by BaltACD on Saturday, June 29, 2024 10:45 PM

I didn't know that CSX ran through Egypt.Big Smile

Just the Bum F area that is on the De-nial

Never too old to have a happy childhood!


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