Motorists vs. Amtrak

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Posted by Psychot on Thursday, November 4, 2021 9:41 PM

charlie hebdo






charlie hebdo
Try expressing that as a lament to the family and friends of a casualty of a crossing incident.  


Lament (n): a passionate expression of grief or sorrow.

Despite how some choose to interpret it, reference to Darwin expresses for most the extreme frustration that such an event would happen.  If you can find someone here who wants such events to occur - well, you won't.  The pain extends well beyond the friends and family of the deceased. 

How many people have you pronounced dead?  I have done several (after consultation with an appropriate doctor).  Some were because of their own failed choices.  Yet I have to live with the memory.  Yep - I'm a little cynical.





What seems cold and heartless to some people is a coping mechanism for others - particularly people who deal with human tragedy on a regular basis. Anyone in that position will tell you it's the only way to retain your sanity.




Well, I can tell you from professional experience treating combat veterans, emergency workers and a RR engineer, all with PTSD, that your suggestion is a very dysfunctional way of dealing with events like that.


It wasn't a suggestion. I was just relaying what I've heard from people in that position. I can't offer an opinion because I haven't walked in those particular shoes.

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