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Railfan & trespasser warning
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Whew, <br />I can't beieve what I am reading and hearing. To begin with I am a retired Railroad operating managment employee of 50 years last year. I am also an avid RAIL FAN and hava a large collection of railroad slides and other. I was looked down upon by top managment when I took a photos or took interest in my equipment. I was the only one that managment came to for advice on repairing or trouble shoting the locomotives and facts on other railroads because they knew I kept up with what is going on. Can't you people see what is happening right under your nose. The government wants control of "we the people" and this is just another way they can get it. It sickens me that this government uses terror to get control of us and the railroads.They just go along with the government and follow like most of us do. I have looked at the railfan for years now as some are completly irresponsible and should be delt with I agree. I have met them and have asked a few to get off the property. BUT most railfans are friends to the railroads sometimes they were the only friends we had. We have through the years turned off the public in many ways and we made many enemys of the young. This is why we have kids and young adults throwing rocks at us and put crap on the railroad that we hit and loose 800 gallons of fuel which happened to me in the St louis area. Now we give this government more ways to control people a small amount but they don't care as long as they control people. I can't travel down the high ways without being burned by radar and these extorationist wanting to steal my money under the guise of law that dosn't exist. I have had enough with government trying to control me under the guise of the war on drugs(which we lost) now war on terriorism. I have done alright in my 68 years of being able to direct my self so I dont need a beareaucrat to tell me that I have to put my seat belt on. MY president says he will fight terriorism any where in the world. Why doesn't he look in the good old USA and the see what the IRS does to people if that isn't a terriorist organization I don't know what is. We have 150,000 people in jails here in Texas for victumless crimes dosn't that tell you a story. Wake up sheeple we still have a constitution, why don't we insist that the government live up to it they all took an oath that said that they would.I still agree that railfans should be able to get permission to be on railroad property at their risks but at least given the opertunity to do so. Railroad managment could make a lot of friends I used to allow responsible railfans on our property and even got a few engine permits. One railfan I allowed to be on our property is now a retired railroad Division Superintendent. To cut down on the size of this letter. People wake up to the freedoms you are losing. Wake up and do something about it. The Government is what we allowed so lets take it back...............yea I know you will. I just know you will. <br />Disgusted veteran and railfan of many years.
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