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<p>[quote user="Semper Vaporo"]</p> <p>[quote user="BaltACD"]</p> <p><span style="color:#0000ff;">Click on 'latest post' in the menu.</span></p> <div style="clear:both;"></div> <p>[/quote]And it sure appears to me that a lot of folk NEVER read intermediate posts in any thread anyway, given the number of replies that ask a question that has already been answered, but that has ALWAYS been a problem, so the "Latest post" link will probably just exacerbate that problem.[/quote]</p> <p> </p> <p><span style="font-family:verdana,geneva;">I agree. The communication between posts in a thread when moving from one page to another is quite dysfunctional. My feeling is that as soon as the page changes, everything else on the previous pages might as well be deleted. No matter how a discussion has evolved, the entire thread exists only on the last page. And now, with the new inability to open a thread to any page, it will further exaggerate the focus on the last page only.</span></p> <p><span style="font-family:verdana,geneva;">The same effect applies to the threads listed on the forum page. This new layout gives me claustrophobia because it is like looking out at the world through a keyhole. Not only are there 50-70% fewer threads listed, but the red font of the unread posts jumps out. It is a fundamental graphic principal that warm colors advance toward the viewer, and cool colors recede. So it seems to me that scanning up and down the list creates a sort of stumbling feeling that makes it harder to assimilate the content.</span></p> <p><span style="font-family:verdana,geneva;">I don’t believe most people are judging the forum layout as though it were merely an abstract graphic design. The point of the layout is functionality. The better the functionality, the busier the forum gets. The busier it gets, the more successful it is. </span></p>
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