snanner frequencies

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snanner frequencies

  • Does anyone have the scanner codes of lines operating in Fla. Thanks, Phil
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  • Try this out. It's an older list, but shouldn't differentiate.
    Wesley Click Here To View My Pictures On!
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by manofwar

    Does anyone have the scanner codes of lines operating in Fla. Thanks, Phil
    Are you looking for the Radio Frequency's for the FEC?
  • QUOTE: Originally posted by photogeek88

    Try this out. It's an older list, but shouldn't differentiate.
    Are these the same frequencies used our in Idaho, on the Union Pacific, I too have been investigating getting a scanner.
  • I was looking for frequencies for current rail lines operating in Fla. With the list from Wesley I think I can load the PRO-90 scanner to search the group. Thanks for the help and if anyone else has info it would be appricated. Phil
  • James, as far as I know, any of those frequencies are still good, even through mergers. The link to the website I put up there still lists the C&NW as an active railroad (i believe the list was updated in 1997, which would be wrong anyways.) Although, the UP operating on the former C&NW today still uses the same frequencies that the C&NW did. So to answer your question, one of the UP frequencies listed should work in Idaho.
    Wesley Click Here To View My Pictures On!
  • I go to railroad radio on line and listen to it on the net[8)]>>>glennbob