
If you need to make changes to your Trains.com account, for example, change your username, change your e-mail address, updating your magazine subscription mailing address, etc., please read the following.

You may be able to change some of the settings yourself. Here's an outline...

Forum settings
You can change your forum settings (e-mail address shown to other members, your forum signature, your forum avatar, etc.) by clicking the Update Profile link near the top of the page in the forums. You can make those changes yourself.

Changes to your magazine subscription or e-mail newsletter information
In addition to your forum information, you also have an account with Kalmbach Publishing Co. as a result of registering on Trains.com. Our Customer Service Center lets you access information on any of our e-mail newsletters that you've signed up for or magazine subscriptions that you have.

From our Customer Service Center, you can:
- Change your mailing address
- Change your e-mail address
- Sign up for any of our company's e-mail newsletters (or opt-out)

To do any of those things, go here: http://subscribe.trains.com/ecare

Updating your forum username/screenname
We typically don't update forum usernames/screennames ... especially if you've been a member for a long time. If the community has come to know you as "TrainGuy1000" we don't want to confuse things by changing your username/screenname. However, if you mistakenly used your e-mail address as your username/screenname, we'll gladly change your username. Please e-mail customerservice@kalmbach.com and provide your current forum username/screenname and what you'd like it changed to. One of our company's Customer Sales & Service reps will assist you.