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Adding an Image to your Profile
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Adding an Image to your Profile
Posted by
Wed, Jul 16 2003 10:43 PM
In order to add an image to your profile, you first need to have a place that will host your pictures. You may want to check with your ISP (Internet Service Providers - example: AOL, MSN, Earthlink, etc.). Most ISPs provide their customers with 5-10MB of space for the purpose of hosting personal web pages and pictures.
Once you have a host for your pictures, you will need the URL of the image. URL is a technical term which is the same as saying "the location" or "the web address".
A URL looks something like this:
When talking about images or photos, the URL
ends in .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png. However, some image hosting places may provide a totally weird looking URL for the image you uploaded which looks nothing like the example. Don't worry about it if they do. Use what the link they provide and it will most likely work.
Once you have the URL for the image, you will need to go
update your profile
You should see a box labeled "Picture URL:". Copy and paste (or type) the entire URL, including the "http://" into that box. Then click on the button "Update My Profile" to save the changes.
If you do not have a place for uploading and hosting photos, there are websites that do offer free image hosting.
Google Directory: Photo Sharing Sites
From Google's Web Search here is a short list of sites to check out:
Note regarding GeoCities/Yahoo: You may or may not be familiar with GeoCities (owned by Yahoo!) and their free website hosting. While you are able to upload images and view them from GeoCities, they will not be viewable by others. GeoCities/Yahoo can identify the page the image is being loaded with and if it's outside their domain, they will not serve it.
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Posted by
Wed, Jul 16 2003 10:43 PM
In order to add an image to your profile, you first need to have a place that will host your pictures. You may want to check with your ISP (Internet Service Providers - example: AOL, MSN, Earthlink, etc.). Most ISPs provide their customers with 5-10MB of space for the purpose of hosting personal web pages and pictures.
Once you have a host for your pictures, you will need the URL of the image. URL is a technical term which is the same as saying "the location" or "the web address".
A URL looks something like this:
When talking about images or photos, the URL
ends in .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png. However, some image hosting places may provide a totally weird looking URL for the image you uploaded which looks nothing like the example. Don't worry about it if they do. Use what the link they provide and it will most likely work.
Once you have the URL for the image, you will need to go
update your profile
You should see a box labeled "Picture URL:". Copy and paste (or type) the entire URL, including the "http://" into that box. Then click on the button "Update My Profile" to save the changes.
If you do not have a place for uploading and hosting photos, there are websites that do offer free image hosting.
Google Directory: Photo Sharing Sites
From Google's Web Search here is a short list of sites to check out:
Note regarding GeoCities/Yahoo: You may or may not be familiar with GeoCities (owned by Yahoo!) and their free website hosting. While you are able to upload images and view them from GeoCities, they will not be viewable by others. GeoCities/Yahoo can identify the page the image is being loaded with and if it's outside their domain, they will not serve it.
You have posted to a forum that requires a moderator to approve posts before they are publicly available.
Posted by
Tue, Jul 29 2003 11:41 AM
Villagephotos is so STUPID,.. it is utterly useless.. i can hardly do anyhting.. without being asked ot upgrade and pay XXX amount of dollars.. what a rip off.. how about a name of a half decent place where i can upload my pictures???
You have posted to a forum that requires a moderator to approve posts before they are publicly available.
Posted by
Tue, Jul 29 2003 11:41 AM
Villagephotos is so STUPID,.. it is utterly useless.. i can hardly do anyhting.. without being asked ot upgrade and pay XXX amount of dollars.. what a rip off.. how about a name of a half decent place where i can upload my pictures???
You have posted to a forum that requires a moderator to approve posts before they are publicly available.
Posted by
Tue, Jul 29 2003 1:26 PM
I never used Villagephotos, so I didn't know. I've seen that some people on our other sites have used it before.
This forum never had uploading of images as an option. It is something that would have to be added in. No ETA on when I can get to adding that feature in. There are a couple of items on the list ahead of adding code for this.
I know it's not the answer you wanted to hear, but there isn't much else I can do for now.
You have posted to a forum that requires a moderator to approve posts before they are publicly available.
Posted by
Tue, Jul 29 2003 1:26 PM
I never used Villagephotos, so I didn't know. I've seen that some people on our other sites have used it before.
This forum never had uploading of images as an option. It is something that would have to be added in. No ETA on when I can get to adding that feature in. There are a couple of items on the list ahead of adding code for this.
I know it's not the answer you wanted to hear, but there isn't much else I can do for now.
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Adding an Image to your Profile