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Forum Photos Nightmare!

  • Forum Photos Nightmare!

    My account which I use to post photos here at the forum advises of ‘Maintenance’ right now, so I can’t post new photos or retrieve old photo addresses for posts.  Since it is a robo website, I can’t talk to anyone about the problem.

    Are others here at the forum having this problems too?

    Hey Kalmbach … Why can’t we just upload photos with you?

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- K.P.’s absolute “theorem” from early, early childhood that he has seen over and over and over again: Those that CAUSE a problem in the first place will act the most violently if questioned or exposed.

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  • Southern #630 passing through Rader, TN on its ferry move to Knoxville several weeks ago.

    The photo above is from my Photobucket account. It seems to be working OK.

    By not allowing images to be hosted directly on Kalmbach servers, the costs associated with disk space storage and bandwidth to serve up those images are avoided.

    Since Photobucket accounts are free, you could try establishing a second account, This could help you figure out if the problem is limited to your current account, and if you have new photos to post, just use the second account.

  • Same goes with Videos, I have mine on YouTube and just link them into topics here and other forums.


  • Both my photobuckets are workin' fine.


    USAF TSgt C-17 Aircraft Maintenance Flying Crew Chief & Flightline Avionics Craftsman

  • Nice video. How hard is it to drive number 7? Can't be all that hard if all you do is follow that hood ornament! Wish the SDP-40 had a cool hood ornament like that.

  • Problem Solved!

    Somehow I right clicked on the offending page, chose “Reload,” and presto!  Problem solved …

    Figure that one out.

    A May 29, 2009 photo from Tucson, AZ is posted as proof that and Firefox are back to normal.

    Now, let me brace myself for the next time consuming problem in a continuing rash of mystery problems ...

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- K.P.’s absolute “theorem” from early, early childhood that he has seen over and over and over again: Those that CAUSE a problem in the first place will act the most violently if questioned or exposed.

  • You probably had a corrupt file in your Browser's "Cache" and every time you accessed the photo, your system read the file in the cache instead of downloading it again and so it just perpetuated the error symptom.  By selecting to "Refresh" it probably did a complete refresh of all the files in the cache, downloading the file again, which corrected the corruption and fixed the problem.

    The purpose of saving files from the web in a cache is to speed up the display of a web page if you have already seen it recently once... doesn't have to wait for all the files to download again.  But if a file is corrupt then you just keep getting the same corrupt file instead of a fresh copy.  I think in IE you can hold down the Shift key while clicking the Refresh button (chassing green arrows in the tool bar at the top) and it will force a read of fresh copies of the files.

    I have IE-9 set to always flush the cache everytime it is shut down, which I do at least once or twice a day (I don't keep it running all the time, I just run it when I want to surf the web), and I shut down my PC at the end of the day, too.  I also run a program named "CCleaner" when I am done for the day, to have it delete even more junk that gets saved every time the browser does anything.  Do have to set that program to NOT delete cookies I want to keep around (some sites store passwords and other things particular to me in cookies). Just need to know which cookies to mark as 'keepers' and then let CCleaner do its job.


    Semper Vaporo
