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Technical Issues After August 13, 2012 Maintenance

  • Someone said it looks great on their smart phone.  That is the direction internet and computer operating systems are going towards, smart phone/tablet size.  Just wait until you run into Metro 9(not the rail kind) on Window's 8.  

  • I did Jeffery, What should it say in the box on the right to NOT get e-Mails??

    Darren. Hope they get it fixed or I am out of here.

    Joined 1-21-2011    TCA 13-68614

    Kev, From The North Bluff Above Marseilles IL. Whistling


  • cowman

    Will have to go back and find where someone told how to edit your own post.

    It would be nice if the number of posts a person has was shown.  Hard to welcome new folks to the forums when you  have no idea if they are new or not.

    I'll figure it out someday.

    Have fun,


    To top it off, the wife came home with a new Apple Computer. It has a mouse with no buttons! Depending on where you touch it, different things happen. It is kinda like the wife in that respect. After fifteen years of marriage I still feel like the Golden Retriever that figures if he stares at the door long enough it will just open. Excuse me while I go stare at my new mouse.

    Like you Richard I'll figure it out someday.Confused



    "All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."

  • Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
              Joined June, 2004

    Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
    Space Mouse for president!
    15 year veteran fire fighter
    Collector of Apple //e's
    Running Bear Enterprises
    History Channel Club life member.
    beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

  • Well I turned off the e-mail crap just in time - my mailbox was filling up fast. I really resent that all these tech geniuses can't preserve our setting when theychange this stuff. This really sucks - and I would care but somehow I really don't anymore.



  • Apparently the IT Techies have more power than we could ever imagine, it has caused the CN logo to flip/reverse! Either that or CN reversed their logo so that you can read it in your rear-view mirror!!  Here's a screen shot of the main forum page for those that may have missed it....

    Inspired by Addiction

    See more on my YouTube Channel

  • I found your account in the system and I removed the email notifications.

    In your user control panel, for the "email notifications" once clicked will display the list of forums you can - or have subscribed to.

    However - there is another option above this list, where you can review the individual threads you are also receiving emails for. These are the subscribed threads I removed for you.

    Thank you.

    Online Publishing Manager, Kalmbach Publishing Co.,

  • Hey,

     Am I the only guy who's in box is getting flooded with replies to stuff I don't have a clue on??

     How do I fix it???


    Joined 1-21-2011    TCA 13-68614

    Kev, From The North Bluff Above Marseilles IL. Whistling


  • hey hey... techies don't do content... we can't take credit for the flipping of the logo.. :)

    Nice catch.

    Online Publishing Manager, Kalmbach Publishing Co.,

  • Post counts are maintained by the search database --  which is being rebuilt. This process is taking longer than expected given the large number of posts to process. This information will be back.

    Online Publishing Manager, Kalmbach Publishing Co.,

  • It may look good on an Iphone or work well, but IMO this format looks crappy on a regular computer monitor.  =(  I guess this is "progress".  I guess I'll have to get out my Itouch so I can read MR forums now.  *rolls  eyes*

    Rio Grande.  The Action Road  - Focus 1977-1983

  • Well, so far it sucks caboose.

    I hate Rust

  • cudaken

    Well, so far it sucks caboose.

    I quite agree. But it's free so I'll make it work.

    Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
              Joined June, 2004

    Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
    Space Mouse for president!
    15 year veteran fire fighter
    Collector of Apple //e's
    Running Bear Enterprises
    History Channel Club life member.
    beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam

  • Ok, I pulled out the I-touch for the new MR forum experience.  Yes, it looks fine on there but I never use the darn thing except to check the weather.  I tried to post from it but I couldn't log in, I couldn't remember my password so I gave up as it's harder to use the touch pad - after about 6 tries I put the thing down and came back to the full sized keyboard.  *whew*  all is well now.

    Well, I guess they'll listen to us complain for a few days and figure all the comotion will die down and they will have had their IT way with us!

    I do think the format on my 19-inch monitor suffers to make it look better on the mobile devices - lots of wasted space on the screen it seems.

    Rio Grande.  The Action Road  - Focus 1977-1983

  • Yeah, way too much whitespace, and one thing that didn;t get fixed was the width of the message area, if you make your browser window wider, it just gets more tan space on the sides. Bummer since I just got a second widescreen monitor so I can have a maximized browser and still do other things, but the sizes here are fixed.


    Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's


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