A few questions re. MSTS and Trainz

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A few questions re. MSTS and Trainz

  • I have already purchased the MSTS just before Christmas, and really enjoy it. But I have been wanting to get a skin(s) to replace the BNSF H2 skin (for a change every once in a while). I did find a nice skin on www.train-sim.com, but I have a huge problem. I downloaded it, but it was in a document file. I cannot get it to work in my MSTS , as I think it needs to be in a application file/mode. Does anyone know or can help me get the application mode for the blue/yellow Santa Fe Warbonnet Dash 9-44CW for my MSTS? I so much need to get this skin going for me asap.

    Next, also for the MSTS game, I just noticed that the BNSF 'Cigar-Band' is not centered. Is there a patch to get it centered?

    For the Trainz game, I found some Dash 8-40B's with the Santa Fe Yellow/Blue Warbonnet- both with and without the BNSF "Patch Job". In the link I found it from, it said it was tested in the Trainz 2004 SP4, but should work in the Trainz 2006 SP1. I am also very seriously considering getting a Trainz game (thanks very much to all the kind folks for the kind comments of Trainz offering customizing of the locos, routes, etc). My question is, where can I locate either the Trainz 2004 or 2006 here in Alberta, Canada? I tried a couple of Home Electronics stores (Future Shop and Best Buy), checked their websites out, phoned them, and they have nothing. I phoned other gaming stores, but they too have nothing:( I am wanting to get it so I can get the payware for the Santa Fe and BNSF Dash 8-40B's. If anyone lives in Canada or Alberta Particularily, can you tel me where I can get any in Calgary?

    Does anyone use the skins for either the MSTS (Santa Fe Yellow/Blue 'Warbonnet"- Dash 9-44CW), or for Trainz (2004/2006)- Santa Fe Yellow/Blue 'Warbonnet- Dash 8-40B? I would love to get some advice, help and if anyone has any screenshots, I'd most like to see them. Anything helpful at all to get the guidance and help I need ((proper downloads, etc).

    Thanks for any help that anyone can assist me with. I am most needing to get the MSTS skin to work (SF Yellow/Blue Dash 9-44CW), and any help on the Trainz 2004,, and subsequent skins for that too.





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  • As for MSTS, can't help. As for Trainz,if you found the SF Dash8-40B's at www.ustrainz.com they're free. They work in both TRS2004 and 2006. TRS2006 SP1( service pack 1) is a 638MB download. TRS2004,if you can find it has 3 service packs to download,SP1,2 and 4.Service pack 3 screwed things up.Plus you have to download Paintshed,80MB or so.It may be included with 2006.If you have a WalMart try there. I can ask on the trainz forums I go to.
  • I am not sure what you are describing for MSTS.  Go to train-sim and look at the help section dealing with "what do I do with it now" about installing new locomotives.  When you unzip it you should see a file with the locomotive name.  Move that file into the train folder within MSTS. You have to create a consist to have it available. 

     No one uses the default locomotive after about 5 minutes.  Maple Leaf Tracks has a FREE replacement skin for it on their site.  It has an autoinstaller.  There is also a new replacement for it on train-sim. 

    Dewey "Facts are meaningless; you can use facts to prove anything that is even remotely true! Facts, schmacks!" - Homer Simpson "The problem is there are so many stupid people and nothing eats them."
  • I asked the question on a trainz forum I go to. One guy got TRS2004 for $12US from ebay a few weeks ago. One reccomended amazon or dirctly from auran(maker of game). The SF dash 8 40B's I was thinking of are on the download station at auran. Can only get access to the download station is with a registered legal copy of Trainz2004,2006,etc. There's plenty of SF, BN and BNSF locos and freight cars on the download station.