Is there any....

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Is there any....

  • Santa Fe skins for MSTS? I am wanting to find any Santa Fe Yellow/Blue 'Freight Warbonnet' locos if possible? I like the larger locos such as the Dash 8-40B, etc. As well, is there other Train Sims that have Santa Fe Yel/Blue Warbonnet skins available?
    Please let me know, I would really like to find something if there is anything out there.



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  • has what your looking for
    The train came by and I got on, that’s when it all began
  • Train-sim has what you want for free.  There are also a ton of payware add-ons that have earlier SF paint. 
    Dewey "Facts are meaningless; you can use facts to prove anything that is even remotely true! Facts, schmacks!" - Homer Simpson "The problem is there are so many stupid people and nothing eats them."
  • Thanks StillGrande for the help:) I did download the blue/yellow Warbonnet Dash 9-44CW, but it was in a document format. How can I get that to work in my MSTS game? I can't get it to save where that program is saved:( I am desperately  needing any advice/help to get it downloaded and into the proper location so it will work. I want to use that loco so much it's driving me crazy!

