LINUX Train Simulator plz...

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LINUX Train Simulator plz...

  • OK you train/computer geeks out there...
    Where can i download a copy of a train sim for linux.????
    please.. lady in distress here cause i kind of dislike WINFLAWS!!!!!

    My system;
    AMD sempron 2800+
    256 mb ram
    80 gb drive
    nvidia geforce 4200 256 mb ram
    mandriva 2006
    setup with 5.1 surround and dsl on eth0..

    anyone wi***o save me searching????
    I got lost in thought, it was unfamiliar territory...
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  • Try digging around in here.......
  • I know that they make a version of reailroad tycoon for linux.
    My name is Stephen and I want to give back to this great hobby. So please pop over to my website and enjoy the free tutorials. If you live near me maybe we can share layouts. :) Have fun and God bless.